FINANCING YOUR DREAM Non Profit Basics By Jerry Appleby
How Do I Balance Financial Sources? TRY TO EQUALIZE THESE SOURCES Business/Churches Individuals Grants Programming (Clients)
How Do I Balance Financial Sources? Essentials for a stable non-profit. Develop a newsletter –List everyone. –Get Churches to allow you to use their list. –Use the Yellow Pages to get list of businesses in the community. –Go to Churches and ask for names –Get every board member’s Christmas Card list. –Make sure it is done well (MS Publisher)
How Do I Balance Financial Sources? Essentials for a stable non-profit. Contact businesses in your community –Find supporters that know someone in that business. –Ask for a chance to present your needs. –Develop a 3-5 minute power point and show on a lap top. –Have a nice folder to leave behind. –Make sure you ask for funding and know your needs.
How Do I Balance Financial Sources? Essentials for a stable non-profit. Know the fundamental of writing a good grant proposal 1.Introduction (State the purpose of the proposal) 2.Describe the Program Mission Statement Project description Tell how the project supports the organizational mission.
How Do I Balance Financial Sources? Essentials for a stable non-profit. 3.Describe HOW you will Conduct the Program. Use language from the plan developed by your support group. Include timelines. 4.Describe Why you can do the job 5.Describe Resources Needed Personnel Equipment Financial
How Do I Balance Financial Sources? Essentials for a stable non-profit. 6.Describe the Plan for resource-planning this dream. Where will the money come from? Which individuals and organizations have you approached. Attach letters of collaboration. What will happen if you do not raise all needed resources? 7.Include necessary Attachments Project Budget IRS Letter (501 (c) (3) Board List Brochure/website address
CHARITABLE CHOICE PRINCIPLES Level Playing Field: Respect for Allies: Protecting Recipients: Church-State Separation:
CHARITABLE CHOICE PRINCIPLES Level Playing Field: Faith-based providers can compete for government funds to provide services on same basis as other providers. Cannot be excluded because they are religious, pervasively sectarian or of the wrong religion. Respect for Allies: Protecting Recipients: Church-State Separation:
CHARITABLE CHOICE PRINCIPLES Level Playing Field: Respect for Allies: The religious character of FBO’s is protected by allowing them to maintain a religious atmosphere, name their own governing board, hire employees committed to the FBO’s philosophy of providing the contracted services. Protecting Recipients: Church-State Separation:
CHARITABLE CHOICE PRINCIPLES Level Playing Field: Respect for Allies: Protecting Recipients: Providers must serve all eligible persons without discrimination and recipients cannot be forced to take part in inherently religious activities (worship, scripture study, prayer). Government must provide secular alternative to those who object to faith- based program. Church-State Separation:
CHARITABLE CHOICE PRINCIPLES Level Playing Field: Respect for Allies: Protecting Recipients: Church-State Separation: All government funds must be used to fulfill the public social-service goals and cannot be diverted into inherently religious activities (worship, scripture study, proselytization). Funds go into separate account & are subject to audit.
What’s Different with Charitable Choice Without Charitable Choice With Charitable Choice only religiously affiliated nonprofits are eligible congregations and faith- based nonprofits are eligible no religious symbols religious symbols OK no religious language or influence faith-based concepts and talk OK no religion in hiring agreement with religious basis can be required