Network programming ( online course ) Jen-Yi Pan
Outline Attendance Icebreaking activities Course DEMO Summary of the day
Attendance 李威龍張晏誠吳建明劉哲安 李韋忠林登堡凃咨宸許名宏 吳昊穎李宗耀陳毅融尉遲仲涵 林原甲林家豐周永銘曾芸瑩 郭威良王維寬 1.Taking attendance by signing your name in the following grid 2.Type your English nick name beside your Chinese name
Grouping chapter 1 5, 6 凃咨宸 林原甲 chapter 2 4, 7 李宗耀 周永銘 chapter 3 3, 8 張晏誠 許名宏 chapter 4 2, 9 李韋忠 王維寬 chapter 5 1, 10, 17, 18 吳建明 劉哲安 吳昊穎 曾芸瑩 chapter 6 11, 16 林登堡 郭威良 chapter 7 12, 15 陳毅融 林家豐 chapter 8 13, 14 李威龍 尉遲仲涵
Icebreaking activities(1) Chapter 1 Which protocol supports translating an IP address into a MAC address? (a) RARP (b) DHCP (c) BOOTP (d) ARP This question is raises by Chen 凃咨宸.
Chapter 1 There are three members in the struct sockaddr_in. Please fill the corresponding letter. This question is raises by Yuan-Jia Lin 林原甲. struct sockaddr_in{ sa_family_t __________; unsigned short int _________; struct in_addr _________; }; A: sin_familyD: sin_port C: sin_addr E: sock_addr B: sock_family F: sock_port Icebreaking activities(2)
Icebreaking activities(3) Chapter 2 In the server initialization period, which function is not used? (a)socket (b)send (c)bind (d)listen This question is raises by Yao 李宗耀.
Icebreaking activities(4) Chapter 2 True/False question In TCP programming, the data transmission starts at Connection period This question is raises by Ming 周永銘.
Course 2.1 General Issues 2.2 Elementary TCP Socket Functions 2.3 TCP Client/Server Example 2.4 Summary
DEMO chapter 1 凃咨宸 gethostbyaddr() 林原甲 bind() chapter 2 李宗耀 One on One Chat 周永銘 Echo Q&A
Remind Reschedule 10/30(online course)->11/06 chapter 3,DEMO 張晏誠 許名宏 chapter 4,DEMO 李韋忠 王維寬 The students are responsible for units of chapter three and four and raises a on-line question to all of the participants in the “Icebreaking activities”, and mail the solution to TA. Due 10/23