15 Ways to Your WebQuest! According to Bernie Dodge A PowerPoint by Pam Moeai
Long URL’s are a Really Bad Idea URL’s are not meant for human eyes. Links should be used by titles. Bad: Good: Pam’s eDeskwww.myedesk.org/~moeaiPam’s eDesk
Underlined Text Do not underline text on WebPages, even if it is a title of a book or article. Only use underline text for links.
Internet Free Lessons In order for it to be a WebQuest… it MUST use the web!
What a WebQuest REALLY is…
Gratuitous Roles Roles should be used when there are definite roles to be distinguished, as in a farmer and a land developer, or when you are dealing with job skills that are tied to real world jobs. Don’t make up roles if they are not necessary. Make sure roles represent skills, or expertise, and are used to make large tasks smaller.
Bogus Tasks Make sure that the introduction makes sense with the tasks. Tasks need to be real world.
Just a Research Report? If students are just reading a bunch of stuff only to write a report, then the WebQuest misses the point. This does not require them to transform information or apply knowledge. Let’s do something better if we are going to call it a WebQuest.
Just a Worksheet? Don’t have the student just fill out a worksheet as result of a WebQuest.
Breathless Hyperbole? Avoid over use of !!!, one will do the job. Don’t gussy stuff up with punctuation marks.
Trivial Rubric Rows Rubric items must be measuring learning, not compliance. The rubric should be intimately attached to the learning task, and the tasks attached to state standards. It should all be focused on what they should be learning.
Drifting into Third Person WebQuests should be written to the learners. It should be written to address the kids, and written in 2nd person.
Bare Beginning The front door should not look barren. A picture that conveys the content should be used. The Introduction Page should be appealing.
Process is Just Busy Work The Process should build toward the accomplishment of a task that teaches something and builds on each other. Tasks should shoot for higher level thinking.
“Stupifying” Tasks Your task should not make you more stupid. Avoid ridiculous tasks.
Procedural Task Avoid procedural tasks that contain several steps.
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