Microsociological Perspective Social Interaction in Everyday Life
Symbolic Interaction Sociologist examine how we use symbols in our everyday interactions They examine how those symbols affect our behavior For example: Stereotypes Personal Space Touching Eye contact
Stereotypes First impressions “set the tone” for interaction Despite your best intentions, your assumptions about certain characteristics shape your first impressions (IAT test) They affect how you act toward that person and how that person acts toward you
Personal Space
Intimate Distance – about 18 inches from our bodies inward Personal Distance – 18 inches to 4 feet Social Distance – 4 to 12 feet Public Distance – Beyond 12 feet
Touching Frequency of touching differs from culture to culture The meaning of touching differs Higher-status individuals do more touching
Eye Contact What does direct lingering eye contact suggest? Typically we use fleeting eye contact
Eye Contact
Dramaturgy: The Presentation of Self Social life is examined and analyzed in terms of drama or the stage Our socialization consist of learning how to perform on that stage We are in a constant stage of impression management An effort to control the impressions that others receive
The Stage Front Stage Where performances are given Back Stage A place where we rest from our performances A place to discuss and reflect on our presentations A place to plan our future presentations
Our Many Roles Role Performance The way in which someone performs a role within the limits that role provides with a particular style or personality We tend to become the roles we play The roles become incorporated into our self- concept and can become impossible to escape
Conflict and Strain Role Conflict A feeling we get when torn between roles and the expectations of those conflicting roles Role Strain Conflicts that one feels within a role
Conflict and Strain
Sign – vehicles Social setting The place where the action unfolds. This is where the curtain goes up. Our appearance How we look and the props we use Our manner These are the attitudes we show as we play a role We use manner to communicate information about our feelings and moods
Social Setting Examples
Our Appearance Examples