Today’s Topic – Getting Started EDUC 4464 – Class 2 Dr. J. Barnett For today you should have read Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 5 Please sit with the same group as last class
Concrete operational (ages ) Formal operational (age 12 at the earliest) -Ability to order, classify, and consider several variables at once; Still need step- by-step instructions; Difficulty thinking about how they got to conclusion and don’t like to check conclusions; Manipulatives Gr ‘exchange of favours’ ages 6-9 ‘good boy – nice girl’ ages Junior / Intermediate Students How students make sense of their world (Kohlberg) How children interact with their environment (Piaget) Kohlberg Piaget Reminder: This is a quick review of your assigned readings and will be covered in more depth in Spec. Ed. - Critical thinking skills; Plan lengthy procedures; Consider more than one answer; no longer tied to the concrete but can now use symbols and verbal; think abstract; consider past, present and future Gr. 6 on, but students can stay in Concrete Operational for awhile after Grade 6 or 7 or 8 or ….. ‘law & order’ ages Dr. J. Barnett
Group Task Go back to your charts from the beginning of last class In the second column, write down the situation the behaviour was occurring in and in the third column use Piaget and / or Kohlberg to think about how you could have fixed it / prevented it Make sure the names of your group members on the back of the sheet of paper. Note your section number. Have one person hand in at the end of class. Dr. J. Barnett
Application Assignment One: Open a blank document. Save it as Classroom Management Plan. Leave a space. Make a subheading called ‘The Importance of Making Learning Interesting in Proactive Classroom Management’. Write a short paragraph on why you need to remember to use the affective domain in planning. (Explain why, in terms of management, it is important to design your lessons so they motivate students. Use the word affective domain somewhere). Next, pick at least one theorist (Piaget or Kohlberg) and give an example. Make it up or explain like I did on the example slides. Make it short! (Principals hate to read a lot during interviews.) Dr. J. Barnett
Have Things Really Changed? FACT:There have always been behaviour problems in school This is because of: a) the normal development of children b) high number of same age individuals together (surface behaviours) Dr. J. Barnett
A behaviour problem exists whenever a student interferes with the act of teaching or with the rights of others to learn, or causes psychological or physical harm, or destroys property (p.17) Is it the student who is the problem or is it the behaviour? What about the effect on the child? What about the school yard? What is it happens only once? 1.Open up your Classroom Management Plan document. Above the assigned work from earlier this class, write a definition of a behavioural problem. Make sure it is inclusive. 2.If you use part from the text, cite it. Make sure your definition is not word for word the same as your neighbours’ definition. Dr. J. Barnett
Homework Behaviour Plan submission one – due end of today. Send it as an attachment. No lates will be accepted. Just as you will have to be next year, if a problem arises – be a problem solver! (i.e., if the is down run off a hard-copy and slip it under my door; if your computer is down, write it out, etc…) Dr. J. Barnett
Classroom Management Plan Jennifer Barnett Section 27 Definition of a Behavioural Problem: Definition done earlier this class The Importance of Making Learning interesting in Proactive Classroom Management: One small paragraph on the importance of paying attention to the affective domain when planning lessons (last class) A paragraph on the importance of paying attention to the theorists when you plan lessons. Next, pick one theorist (Piaget or Kohlberg) and give an example (this class) Dr. J. Barnett