HST Quarterly Review Page 1 Space Telescope Science Institute 12 February 2004 SI Status: COS STScI Support of COS Thermal-Vacuum Testing COS Thermal-Vacuum Testing at Ball All vacuum testing completed in late October Additonal post-TV OSM-motion characterization under N 2 purge completed in Nov SI open-shutter light-leak test performed; results well below limits STScI Thermal-Vac participation Closely coordinated STScI support activities with IDT STScI COS Instrument Scientists provided onsite support for SI operation, data-taking, and analysis in all phases of Thermal-Vacuum testing Keyes, Sembach, Leitherer, Friedman, and Bohlin stood multiple-day shifts as data analysts Hartig provided frequent onsite optical alignment support STScI provided OPUS processing, conversion to FITS, and HDA-archival of all COS Thermal-Vacuum and N 2 purge data Processed approximately 3300 datasets through to archive Also calibrated all science datasets with development version of STSDAS calcos -Minor keyword updates identified Supported COS pre-ship review and GSFC review of OSM-motion data analysis Optic Select Mechanism settles by more than 1 resel per 3600 sec following some large moves; agreed testing and operational fix to be explored
HST Quarterly Review Page 2 Space Telescope Science Institute 12 February 2004 SI Status: COS STScI Ground Systems and User Support Activities STScI scheduling system Coordinated parallels exposure development and testing completed STScI keyword dictionary draft (for online ICD-19) completed (Leitherer) Prepared requirements and outline for COS Instrument Handbook Development was to start in February 2004 (Sembach, Leitherer) Spectroscopic APT/ETC Initial development underway synphot reference file testing begun; general ETC test plan drafted Calcos time-dependent sensitivity and spectrum shift-and-add capability (for FP- SPLITs) completed (Hodge) Integrated Pipeline Test development suspended Detailed review of OSM-motion at STScI STScI and IDT scientists, engineers, and developers met in January Analyzed and agreed upon IDT-derived computational amelioration algorithm COS FIG agreed upon outline for operational implementation of correction procedures and algorithm Included considerations for calibration lamp life, telescope scheduling efficiency, onboard aft-shroud light-leak “good-neighbor policy,” and calcos
HST Quarterly Review Page 3 Space Telescope Science Institute 12 February 2004 SI Status: COS Science Calibration: FUV Efficiency Efficiency exceeds required specification at all wavelengths
HST Quarterly Review Page 4 Space Telescope Science Institute 12 February 2004 SI Status: COS Repeatability scatter: centroids 1 ~4 pixels brightness 1 ~ 2% Analysis by Scott Friedman FUV G160M wavecal: line position and flux repeatability
HST Quarterly Review Page 5 Space Telescope Science Institute 12 February 2004 SI Status: COS G225M resolution meets or exceeds specification at all wavelengths Science Calibration: G225M Resolution Symbols refer to OSM2 wavelength settings Multiple settings are required to cover entire band-pass