Vocabulary Top Ten
Learning Goal Students will develop and improve their vocabulary skills.
Objectives Students will be able to: 1.Recognize, pronounce and define new vocabulary words. 2.Match words to their definitions. 3.Use words in sentences.
1- Analyze
Analyze verb To break apart a subject, examine each part, and explain the relationship between the parts We will analyze several historical documents tomorrow in class.
2 - Cite
verb - to give credit to the original source of a text or idea When you write a research paper, you must cite your sources.
3 - Claim
verb - to state as a fact Many people claim that aliens abduct humans in order to perform experiments.
4 - Evaluate
verb To decide the value or worth of a text/source after studying it closely Please evaluate whether basketball or football is more physically difficult.
4 - Evaluate verb To decide the value or worth of a text/source after studying it closely Please evaluate whether basketball or football is more physically difficult.
5 - Evidence
Noun - Something that tends to prove or disprove something. It is used to support a claim, and can be provided in the form of quotation, paraphrase, and/or description. On police shows they always send the evidence to the forensics lab.
6 - Infer
verb to arrive at a conclusion based on evidence; to make an “educated guess.” You infer when you use what you know to figure something out.
7 - Paraphrase
Paraphrase Verb - to state someone else’s written work in your own words Please paraphrase what you just read for the class.
8 - Plagiarism
Plagiarism noun - To use someone else’s words or ideas and claim them as your own. To avoid plagiarism you must cite evidence properly Suzy got a zero on her paper when her teacher accused her of plagiarism.
Plagiarism noun - To use someone else’s words or ideas and claim them as your own. To avoid plagiarism you must cite evidence properly Suzy got a zero on her paper when her teacher accused her of plagiarism.
9 - Summarize
Summarize verb To briefly retell the main ideas of a piece of writing in your own words. To summarize the Bible use the Golden Rule of "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
10 - Thesis
Thesis noun - It states the main topic of the essay and is supported by the entire essay Most thesis statements are found at the end of the introductory paragraph.
Closing – Make up an original sentence using a vocabulary word. The sentence must show that you know what the word means.