Steps in the Scientific Method SCIENTIFIC METHODS Scientific method- The basic steps used by scientists in solving problems and uncovering facts. Steps in the Scientific Method State the PROBLEM. What question are you trying to find an answer to? The problem should be in the form of a question. Gather INFORMATION about the problem. Look up information at the library or ask an expert. Think about the experiences that you have had that will help you find the answer.
SCIENTIFIC METHODS Form a HYPOTHESIS (an educated guess) based on the information that you gathered. (What do you think the answer to the problem might be? This is your possible answer). Do an EXPERIMENT. In order to find the answer to a problem, scientists do an experiment.
NOTE: only one thing at a time can be changed in an experiment. SCIENTIFIC METHODS The Variable is the thing that is changed in an experiment. All of the groups are the same in the experiment except for this. Independent Variable- The variable you investigate to determine its effect. This is the thing that you change. Also called the Manipulated variable. Dependent Variable- The variable you measure to see if the independent variable has any effect. This is the thing that changes in response to what you changed. Also called the Responding variable. NOTE: only one thing at a time can be changed in an experiment.
RECORD the results that you get from your experiment. SCIENTIFIC METHODS The Control is the group in the experiment that does not have the changed variable. Not all experiments have a control. RECORD the results that you get from your experiment. Collect DATA. Data is defined as recorded observations and measurements. Usually a chart or a graph is used to display data from an experiment.
SCIENTIFIC METHODS State your CONCLUSION. Your conclusion is based on the results of your data that you gathered about your experiment. Is your hypothesis is right or wrong? RETEST. Make sure that your conclusion is correct by redoing the experiment.
1.3 – Steps on Using the Scientific Method Question – Make observations, and then develop your question. The question should address what you are interested in knowing…what you want to learn. Hypothesis – This is your educated guess. It is what you think will happen in the course of your experiment. State your hypothesis. Method – This involves the steps you will take during the course of your experiment. This should be intensely detailed, and it should include all materials that you will need during the course of your experiment. Results – These are simply the facts that you will collect during the course of your experiment. This is the data.
SCIENTIFIC METHODS Conclusion – Explain what happened during the experiment and why you think it happened the way that it did. Did the results support or refute your hypothesis? When experimenting… Be sure to be specific and detailed in all explanations. Someone else should be able to duplicate your experiment based on your writings, your procedures. Do not be frustrated if your conclusions does not support your hypothesis. Remember that a hypothesis is simply an educated guess, and the experiment is your way of proving or disproving that guess. Either way, you have accomplished something…you have learned!