‘ The Steps to Writing an OER
Read the question and circle any key words in the question. STEP 1 Read the question and circle any key words in the question.
STEP 2 Read the story and highlight or underline ALL possible answers as you read.
Make a list of ALL answers to the question. STEP 3 Make a list of ALL answers to the question.
STEP 4 Choose the best possible answer based on depth of understanding and evidence available in the text that will prove your answer.
STEP 5 Write an answer to the question in a complete sentence. This will become the FIRST sentence of your response.
STEP 6 Explain your answer and give text evidence to support your explanation. Repeat this step 2 time for a SINGLE STORY OER For a CROSSOVER OER DO THIS: Give two sentences of explanation and two quotes from each story that will support your answer.
Step 7 Revise and Edit
Write your final draft in the box. STEP 8 Write your final draft in the box.
DEFINE: Textual Evidence – ANY word(s), phrases, or whole sentences you use from the story in your OER. You MUST put “quotation marks” around all text evidence that you copy from the story.
DEFINE: Commentary – your explanations, thoughts, opinions, etc. that you use in your OER to support your answer and explain your textual evidence. In other words, your own voice.
DEFINE: Inference – a logical assumption based on observable facts and one’s own knowledge and experience. (An educated guess using a combination of facts and what you already know)