CR TOOLKIT WORKSHOP SOCIAL BASELINE ASSESSMENT TOOL Ref ICMM CD TOOLKIT # 11 Trainer: Obert Foneng Date: 12th September, 2013 1.


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Presentation transcript:


 Objectives of the presentation  What is social baseline study  Definition  Descriptions  Stakeholders involve  When to use this tool  How to use this tool  Discussions/Group Activity  Conclusion 2

At the end of this session you will be able to I.Define Social Baseline study and can be able to describe it II. Identify when and how it is done who are involve 3

Definition  The gathering and compilation of baseline data that describes the state of social and economic environment and the characteristics of the populations living in the area around a project site.  Baseline study is an appraisal of the stage of an community or social group before an activity takes place  It provides a bench mark against which potential impacts can be anticipated and change measured over time 4

 Demographic factors – number of people, their location, population density, age, ethnicity, presence of indigenous people, income etc.. Population growth trends including migration practices  Socio economic determinant – factors affecting incomes and productivity, land tenure, access to productive inputs and markets, family composition, kinship reciprocity and access to wages opportunities and labour migration, this also covers levels of education attained, literacy and skills held with the community.  Social organisation- organisation and capacity at the household and community level affecting participation in local level institutions as well as local decision making processes and access to services and information  Economic organisation – Local and regional businesses and commercial structures, infrastructure supporting economic activity, government and other economic/industrial development plans for the area 5

 Historical context – Historical issues and events (migration, relocation)  Needs and values – stakeholder attitudes and values determining whether development interventions are needed and wanted and appropriates incentives for change and capacity of the stakeholders to manage the process of change  Human Rights Context – prevailing human rights to issues status of women, minorities, vulnerable groups and political risks etc…  Institutions – role and governance, resources and capacities of the local institutions as well as regulatory framework 6

 Social political context – Stakeholder organisations’ development goals, priorities, commitment to development objectives, control over resources, experience, and relationship with other stakeholder group  Cultural Background – cultural norms and practices (intangible cultural heritage) and places and objects of high cultural value(tangible cultural heritage).  Health Context – health situation within the community prior to the development of any project and including access to health services, health within host population  Social infrastructure – education institutions, health services, power and water supply, sewerage and sanitation, transport infrastructure including roads, air and sea transport and the accessibility of services 7

 Example of 2006/07 CMCA Population Census Example of 2006/07 CMCA Population Census 8

Purpose  To help understand the I.local communities situation, II.their hopes and fears surrounding the project III.and the potential impacts both positive and negative of the project  This will allow you to develop informed mitigation and management plans  It is used to gather data that can be used for measuring future change.  Without good understanding of the local social and economic context,  one may underestimate the project risks and impacts to communities,  fail to identify opportunities to social and economic development  introduce developments activities that are culturally or socially inappropriate or fail to understand the local causes of poverty and inequality  A good baseline study provides and grounding data needed for assessment of the change after a project has been initiated. 9

 Those involve Local communities (will have positive and negative impacts) Stakeholders at national, provincial or local level Facilitators of the project e.g. mining company Consultants/professionals researchers, research institutions if the project is outsourced – this may include specialist in social assessment areas, educational institutions NGOs e.g. OTDF 10

 Should be undertaken at the beginning of the project.  It is usually conducted at the early stage of an ESIA or may be conducted as a standalone exercise prior to investing in the community project.  If existing project is acquired but no baseline study was conducted, do a baseline study from the time you start with the project which is termed as delayed baseline  It is crucial to update when there is an expansion or closure – this will help to plan appropriately for expansion and closure and provide a baseline against measurement of post – closure changes and adjust baseline to measure post – expansion  And as a development facilitator you have to update your understanding of local social conditions – that is to identify emerging concerns and changing need throughout the life of the project 11

Step 1  Desktop profile - Engage researchers to locate available data in co-ordination with local officials and community leaders to draw up a social profile Step 2  Decide what further information need to be collected/acquired through primary research. Larger projects may conduct social baseline as part of their exploration activities and then again as the project expands into feasibility. 12

Step 3  Engage experienced social scientist and local tertiary institutes or research organisation to design survey to capture both quantitative(focus on people) and qualitative (focus groups key informant interviews) Survey Instruments  When indigenous people are present in the area of influence anthropologist may be required to conduct this assessment. Step 4  Draw a comprehensive community profile ensuring to cover vulnerable groups(test with community participants and adjust if needed). Incorporate stakeholders feedback 13

Step 5  Use the completed social and economic baseline study as a basis of conducting a Social Impact and Opportunities assessment (Toolkit 12)and for Monitoring and Evaluation activities (Tools 19-20) Step 6  Share the baseline study with local stakeholders etc in an accessible format 14

Divide into two groups:  Group 1 - to take Wederehiamo Village, Dudi region,  Group 2 – to take Wangbin Village from Mine Villages Instruction: From the summary sheets given to you, identify what social baseline data are there and categorize them under the headings below.  Demographic  Social Economic Determinant  Social Organisation  Economic organisation  Socio-political context  Historical context  Needs and values  Human Rights context  Health context  Institutions  Cultural background  Social infrastructure 15

 From the baseline data given identify one of significant change to date using observation as one of the tools of data collection.  One of the member of each group will present and after a member of each group has presented, 16

 In the case of CR Baseline study is important because it will highlight the key issue to help focus stakeholder engagement and consultation, grievance management, land lease management and overall CR management.  It will also be the basis for measuring how successful OTML interventions and programs  It will provide key information for planning purposes for management and other stakeholders.  Social baseline study is crucial when a undertaking a project at initial stages of a mining project/development  Without baseline study there will be no basis to identify whether there is positive or negative impacts of a project. 17

 What was plan ◦ The plan was to read through the Toolkit provided and understand and do a presentation to CR officers as a Trainer of Trainees  What happened ◦ The information was put together in consultation with team mates after reading through the Toolkit and other available sources and personal application of the toolkit was covered.  What went well ◦ It was a personal development even though I have ideas but this topic had help me to read more into it which help me to identify my gaps, and the practical application which will cover best practice in CR. Even though the topic itself is too technical I was able to achieve my objective of the present. ◦ Also I found that doing team work identify areas of weakness and that needs improvement.  What I did not like ◦ My audience should have critic more on my presentation rather than giving all positive comments. With the critics I will be able to improve on my presentation and communications skills  Lessons learnt ◦ Always be in control as a presenter during discussions ◦ Speaking confidently to the audience given you have understanding of what you are presenting ◦ Improve on the areas of my presentation skills as per evaluations from my colleagues. ◦ By doing practical application on social baseline studies on other sections or areas of CR department we will help build a better CR Team 18