0343 Conformity assessment by: ing. H. Verschuren Lloyd’s Register Netherlands
0343 Content Questions and Guidelines Hazard Analysis Essential Safety Requirements Instructions for use Hazard analysis, example Proposed changes to new approach
0343 Guidelines Approved by: CABF WPG WGP
0343 Guidelines 1.Scope and Exclusions 2.Classification and Categories 3.Assemblies 4.Evaluation Assessment 5.ESRs on Design 1/31/47 2/82/29 3/11 4/10 5/6
0343 Guidelines 6.ESRs on Manufacturing 7.ESRs on Material 8.Other ESRs 9.Miscellaneous 10.Horizontal Issues 10/2 9/22 8/16 7/6 6/7
0343 Content Questions and Guidelines Hazard Analysis Essential Safety Requirements Instructions for use Hazard analysis, example Proposed changes to new approach
0343 Manufacturer Responsibilities ensure design and manufacturing to ESR’s ensure conformity assessment with ESR’s
0343 Manufacturer Hazard Analysis. Consider all applicable hazards. Known and foreseeable, use and foreseeable misuse. Take into account all ESR’s if applicable. Instructions for use, containing all safety information.
0343 Hazard Analysis Method EN 1050 elimination reduction warning
0343 Essential Safety Requirements From cat I to IV obliged manufacturer has to provide a description of solutions adopted to meet the ESR’s. If non-harmonised standards are used.
0343 Instructions for use Pressure equipment should be accompanied by instructions for use. Contain information relating to: mounting / assembling putting into service use maintenance
0343 Instructions for use Content All info as mentioned in ann I §3.3 “Marking and labelling” All other relevant safety info All hazards not prevented by design or protective measures
0343 Hazard Analysis example Evaluation of all appl hazards Description of solutions adopted to meet ESR’s (harm standards not used) Determining content for instructions for use
0343 Hazard Analysis example Type of hazard 2.2 design for adequate strength Internal pressure
0343 NoType of hazard Rele- vant Y / N Risk estimation by Description of hazard 1 Internal pressure -normal operating conditions -regeneration conditions -thermal liquid expansion -exothermal reactions/run away YNNNYNNN MMMMMMMM 2 External pressure -vacuum -normal operating conditions -regeneration conditions -condensing steam/vapour due to cooling down
0343 Description of hazardRisk No. Action Required Y / N Inlet from V1504, heating from steam jacket
0343 Determining the risk number Rn Probability Effect Frequenty low (unlikely) moderate (likely) high (very likely) Light (First aid) seldom (1 < year) regularly (daily / weekly) serious (hospita l treatm ent) seldom (1 < year) regularly (daily / weekly) Severe (death) seldom (1 < year) regularly (daily / weekly) possible (almost) impossi ble possible (almost) impossi ble possible (almost) impossi ble Possibility of avoidance
0343 Description of hazardRisk No. Action Required Y / N Inlet from V1504, heating from steam jacket 72
0343 Interpretation Risk number risk nodescription recommended precaution very lownot necessary lowsimple precaution moderaterecommended high strongly recommended unacceptableobliged
0343 Description of hazardRisk No. Action Required Y / N Inlet from V1504, heating from steam jacket 72Y
0343 If applicable: risk reduction by DesignUse 3) ConstructionReductionAdditional precautions Warning EN NA Y
0343 4) Explications Action number 1Design 2Warning
0343 1) Type of action Description 1DDesign for internal pressure of 12 bar according to EN WMax allowable pressure 12 bar.
0343 Content Questions and Guidelines Hazard Analysis Essential Safety Requirements Instructions for use Hazard analysis, example Proposed changes to new approach
0343 New module system ISO 9001:2000 Option 1 –One standard, One QA system, one module –H, B+H, B1+H, B2+H
0343 Conformity asssessment procedures A G H DF Nobo/ UI Nobo Nobo/UI Manuf Design = QA System Certifications Final asses E1 Nobo AA1 Nobo/ UI Nobo/ UI E Nobo/ UI Nobo D1 H1 III III IV III Typeond. B1 O ntwp Ond. IV III IV Nobo III Nobo/ UI C1 B + + Nobo +
0343 Conformity asssessment procedures G H F Nobo/UI Manuf Design = QA System Certifications Final asses Nobo/ UI Nobo/ UI Nobo/ UI Nobo Type B1 Nobo Nobo/ UI C B Nobo B2 Nobo A DesignTech doc
0343 New module system ISO 9001:2000 Option 2 –One standard, three QA systems, three modules –D, E, H
0343 New module system Category of equipment Clarity of QA system (cat of equipment) –B+E (3) B+D(4) both B+H
0343 Lloyds Register Netherlands 0343