PRELUDE TO WORLD WAR II The Rise of Totalitarianism
Aggression by Dictatorships The Kellogg-Briand Pact Japan seizes Manchuria Hitler and the Nazi Party come to power in Germany Italy invades Ethiopia Hitler sends troops into the Rhineland Americans were determined to stay neutral and avoid another war in Europe. WWI had left many disillusioned
Mussolini and Hitler
The last Chinese Emperor becomes leader of the Japanese puppet state Manchuko A Loyalist soldier is killed in the war in Ethiopia
American Neutrality The Nye Committee Report The U.S. Congress passes a series of neutrality acts The Spanish Civil War President Roosevelt tried to find ways to help the nations threatened by Agression Hitler begins discrimination against Jews Nuremburg Laws Crystal Night Hitler annexes Austria the Munich Conference and appeasement
Picasso’s Guernica
Stuka Divebomber First used in the Spanish Civil War
Jewish synagogue burning in Germany during Crystal Night Jewish shop after Crystal Night
World war II Begins in Europe Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact the invasion of Poland; the “blitzkrieg” the beginning of Hitler’s “Final Solution” The Phony War The Fall of France and Dunkirk The Battle of Britain The U.S. sends supplies to Britain The Great Depression ends
The German blitzkrieg combined the use of air power, tanks, and infantry
British troops wait for evacuation on the beach at Dunkirk in 1939
British Spitfire fighter British Hurricane fighter German ME 109 fighter Messerscmidt 110 Bomber War planes of the Battle of Britain