Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Operation ‘Sea Breeze’ 01 June 2010 Flotilla Background Operation 'Sea Breeze' – Legal Aspects Interception of the Ships Following the Interception The IHH Contents Information Update
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces The Gaza Strip Context Unilateral Disengagement 2005 PA Elections Shalit Kidnapped Hamas CoupState of Calm Operation Cast Lead 2010 Increased deterrence
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 3 Naval Blockade Background International Law demands that a blockade fulfill a number of conditions in order to render it legal. For example, the San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflict at Sea (1993) requires: The Naval Blockade on Gaza Due Notice The date the blockade begins, the duration and coordinates must be published to every country which may find it relevant. Effectiveness The blockade must be fully enforced. Discrimination The blockade must hold true for vessels from every country. Purpose Proportionality Neutral Access The goal of the blockade must not be to punish the population or refuse supplies vital for its survival. The damage to the population must not exceed the military advantage. The blockade must not prevent access to neutral ports.
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 4 Flotilla Background On April 28 th, a number of organizations, led by the IHH, announced that they intended to sail a flotilla to the Gaza Strip coast, despite a naval blockade which was imposed during operation Cast Lead. Israeli Response The boats were scheduled to arrive in the region on May 24 th, together with the Rachel Corrie, which departed from Ireland on May 17 th. Due to technical difficulties, the ships began to arrive to the pre-defined gathering point, south of Cyprus, on Friday, May 28 th. Beginning in April and continuing until the moment before the ships were intercepted, the option of transferring the supplies to Gaza through the existing land crossings were offered, pending security clearance. In addition, it was made clear that no ships would be allowed to breach the legally imposed blockade.
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 5 Name: 'Mavi Marmara' Flag: Turkey Maximum Speed: 10 knots Height: 19 meters Length: 93 meters Made in: 1994 Name: 'Defne Y' Flag: Kiribati Maximum Speed: 12 knots Height: 15 meters Width: 95 meters Cargo Capacity: 4412 tons Made in: 1980 Participating Ships
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 6 Name: 'Gazze' Flag: Turkey Maximum Speed: 12 knots Height: 10 meters Width: 68 meters Cargo Capacity: 2000 tons Made in: 1981 Name: 'Eleftheri Mesogeios‘ (Sofia) Flag: Greece Maximum Speed: 11.5 knots Height: 10 meters Width: 64 meters Cargo Capacity: 1133 tons Made in: 1967 Participating Ships
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 7 Name: Challenger 1 Flag: St Vincent and Grenadine Maximum Speed: 20 knots Length: 30 meters Name: SFENDONH - Boat 8000 Flag: Togo Maximum Speed: 15 knots Length: 30 meters Width: 7 meters Participating Ships
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 8 Enforcing Naval Blockades The entry of a vessel into a blockaded area without permission constitutes a breach of the naval blockade. According to International Law, if there is reasonable ground to believe that the vessel has breached the blockade, it may be captured. If the vessel refuses to stop, in certain circumstances proportional use of force is permissible. Attempted Breaching of the Blockade A vessel may be captured when attempting to breach a naval blockade if there is reasonable ground to believe that the vessel intends to breach it, even before the vessel reaches the blockaded territorial waters. In such a case, the capture must take place outside of territorial waters: Attempted breach of blockade occurs from the time a vessel or aircraft leaves a port or airfield with the intention of evading the blockade… “” The Commander’s Handbook on the Laws of Naval Operations, US Navy
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 9 Interception of the Ships On 31 May, at 0428, numerous warnings were broadcast to ships as they approached the Gaza Strip, clarifying that continued progress would not be allowed. After the calls to stop were ignored, Israeli commandos boarded the ships. Soldiers boarding the the Mavi Marmara were violently attacked by means of weapons stoles from IDF soldiers, knives, broken glass, clubs, slingshots and other improvised weapons prepared in advance. Intercepting the Ship The boarding soldiers were shot at, stabbed, thrown overboard, attacked and lynched by the ship passengers. IDF soldiers opened fire on the attackers as a last resort in their attempts at self-defense. 7 Israeli soldiers were injured, 2 seriously. Among the protesters, 9 were killed and 34 were injured.
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 10 Video Navy Warnings Prior to Arrival
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 11 Weapons We will definitely resist and we will not allow the Israelis to enter here… if Israel wants to board the ship, it will meet strong resistance. “ ” Bulent Yildrim, Head of the IHH, May 30 th, 2010
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 12 Video Closeup - Violence on Board – Side View
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 13 Weapons Onboard the Ship Video
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 14 Following the Interception Injured passengers were evacuated by helicopter and boat to four hospitals in Israel: Beilinson:14 Ein Karem:4 Tel Hashomer8 Rambam6 The ships were diverted to Ashdod Port by Israeli naval vessels. Here, passengers were given medical examinations and screened for security purposes, as were their possessions. Having completed this, passengers were asked to sign deportation notices. Those who agreed are deported and those refusing are transferred to a detention center. Passengers (665) Mavi Marmara530 Challenger17 SFENDONH48 Gazze18 Sofia31 Defne Y21 Procedure Once in Port Barzilay2
“ ” Every person who came down the ropes, was grabbed by three or four people and violently assaulted. We were lynched. They had metal rods, knives, slingshots, and glass bottles. At some point, live fire was shot at two of our soldiers. Testimony of one of the Navy commandos on the ‘Mavi Marmara’
“ ” There were guys who they threw off the top deck, and who were stripped of their gear. They jumped into the sea as a last resort … Testimony of one of the Navy commandos on the ‘Mavi Marmara’
Military-Strategic Information Section Strategic Division // Israel Defense Forces Unclassified || Slide 17 IHH The IHH (Insani Yardim Vakfi – Humanitarian Relief Fund) is a radical Islamic organization established in 1992, which registered formally in Istanbul in 1995 and is led by Bulent Yildrim. While its activities include legitimate humanitarian activity, it also includes the support of radical Islamic terrorist organizations. The IHH participation in this flotilla included the purchase of three boats, including the Mavi Marmara, as well as providing aid to the Hamas regime in preparing to receive the flotilla. Bulent Yildrim also admitted to having children and elderly on board as a deliberate human shield (30 May 2010) Hamas The IHH openly supports the Hamas, as a member of the Union of Good (UoG), which supports Hamas institutes in the PA. UoG was defined a terrorist entity by the US government in Global Jihad IHH has links with the GJ in the Middle East, as well as including Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Chechnya. CIA reports in 1996 exposed the IHH’s connection with extreme groups. Al-Qaeda In 2006, a Danish research group showed IHH involvement in recruitment, the purchase of weapon and the planning of attacks