FASHION DESIGNER Fashion designer is person who creates original clothing, accessories, and footwear. They sketch designs, select fabrics and patterns, and give instructions on how to make the products they designed.
FASHION DESIGNER This profession is not popular in our area, but it is very necessary in our village, because to sew dress or the clother we have to go to nearest city. It is 60 km.
FASHION DESIGNER Fashion designers work in different ways. Some sketch their ideas on paper, while others drape fabric on a dress form. When a designer is completely satisfied with the fit of the muslin, he or she will consult a professional pattern maker who then makes the finished, working version of the pattern out of card or via a computerized system. Finally, a sample garment is made up and tested on a model to make sure it is an operational outfit.
GET INSPIRED Look for fabrics, objects or people who inspire you to create a new piece of clothing. Search online or in magazines for current or retro trends that you might want to incorporate into your designs. Try visiting craft and fabric stores to find swatches or notions that could form the basis for a whole piece.
BEGIN TO DRAW You can draw on paper, or with a computer software. Either way, start with a basic human form. It doesn't have to be anatomically correct, as long as it provides a stable basis for you to design clothing. Outline the basic shape of the garment you wish to design, starting with big ideas and adding details as you refine the drawing.
ADD COLOR A lot of the success of your design can depend on what colors you use. Think about the garment's intended purpose and how you imagine someone wearing it. Then choose your colors accordingly. Try to blend unexpected color combinations to add an element of surprise to your design.
LEARN TO SEW Acquire basic sewing skills so that you can bring your designs to life. Learn how to sew using patterns so that you can eventually design your own. As your talents progress, you might find yourself becoming inspired by different stitches or techniques.
SELECT A FABRIC Consider texture and flow of fabric in relation to your pattern. Obtain extra fabric as may arise with assembly, as well as embellishments such as buttons, lace, beads or embroidery floss.
MAKE A PORTFOLIO Keep a collection of designs in a folder or notebook for future inspiration. Consider carrying a sketchbook with you, so that you can take down ideas whenever they strike
FASHION EDUCATION There are a number of specialized art schools and design schools in Latvia that offer degrees in fashion design and fashion design technology. Some colleges also offer Masters of Fashion courses.
DAUGAVPILS SECONDARY SCHOOL OF DESIGN AND ART “SUN SCHOOL” Šobrīd skolā mācās 135 audzēkņi, kas apgūst 6 dažādas dizaina specialitātes. Vidusskolā var iestāties pēc 9. klases vai pēc vidusskolas. The school was founded in 1917.
RIGA SCHOOL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS School was founded in The goal of the School is to prepare young people for successful entering the labour market and acquiring further education. Students learn to sketch, construct, design, sue clothes and demonstrate the garments to public. Besides, students acquire various textile decoration techniques, such as fabric painting, felting, machine embroidery.
REZEKNE SECONDARY SCHOOL OF DESIGN AND ART School was founded in Rēzeknes Mākslas un dizaina vidusskolas devīze – Gudrs. Brīvs. Radošs. Mūsdienu tehnoloģiju un sajūtu pasaulē. Rēzeknes Mākslas un dizaina vidusskolā var iestāties pēc 9. klases 4-gadīgajās izglītības programmās un pēc vidusskolas – divgadīgajās izglītības programmās.
LIEPAJA SECONDARY SCHOOL OF DESIGN AND ART Founded in Liepājas Dizaina un mākslas vidusskolas galvenais mērķis ir sniegt jauniešiem kvalitatīvu, konkurētspējīgu izglītību, atbilstoši darba tirgus prasībām, jo skola ir ceļā uz dizaina koledžu. Mācību procesā gaitā audzēknis apgūst teorētiskās un profesionāli praktiskās zināšanas apģērbu dizaina projektēšanas un realizēšanas jomā.
THE SYUDENTS CAN ACQUIRE: - the basics of drawing, painting, graphics, colour and composition; - the basics of modeling and design of separate garments and collections of clothes; - culture, art, costume and style history; - the major trends of modern fashion; - designing image style; - modern methods of clothes manufacturing; - technical characteristics of technological equipment; - methodology and tools to perform engineering calculations in the design of products using computer techniques and professional programs; - a foreign language in fashion industry; - the basics of the organization of the operational activity of an enterprise, management, marketing, copyright, business communication, psychology, labour protection regulations.