The First Colonial Settlement
Companies in which investors pooled wealth with the hope of gaining a profit Once they obtained charter – had to maintain colony, in return they would be entitled to receive back most of the profit colony earned 1606 – King James I granted charter to Virginia Company Would receive 4/5 of gold and silver found Who do you think got the other 1/5?
Reached Chesapeake Bay and moved inwards. Settled by the now-called James River and founded the colony of Jamestown Began planting, but many did not like manual labor They wanted to find gold
Native Americans living in the area at the time Known as Powhatan Confederacy Wanted to create fruitful relations with English at first Realized too late English didn’t want to be “friends” with Native americans
Strong leader Inflicted strict discipline “those who did not work shall not eat” Worked with the Natives Only 38 of the 105 colonists that came over at first survived the first 9 months. Had to sail back to England in injured
Winter of Many died
Reason for being John Rolfe – responsible for the rapid production of tobacco He married Pocahontas, not John Smith Helped ease tensions with English and Native Americans american-history/pocahontas
Brought over to North America Received food and shelter Servitude for 4-7 years
Anyone who bought a share in the VA Company or could transport himself to VA received 50 acres of land and 50 more for any servants he might send or bring
“Rights of Englishmen” 7/30/1619 – first General Assembly met
90 “young maidens” brought over to be sold to their husband of choice Group of 20 African Americans brought over Do you think they were slaves at first?
Since 1607 14,000 people had migrated to colony In 1624 – only 1,132 people lived there King appointed commission to investigate How do you think VA’s status changed as a result?
Natives staged attack in English put down attack and it didn’t happen again 24,000 Algonquians who inhabited this area in 1607 reduced to 2,000 by 1669
Jamestown’s governor High taxes – paid by poor settlers Money not used for public good – where do you think it went to? What do you think the settlers wanted their tax money to go to?
1675 – fighting between Natives and colonists. Berkeley would not give colonists military support Didn’t sit well with Bacon Raised his own army Marched to Jamestown in 1676 to confront colonial leaders Also upset with lack of representation in the House of Burgesses – VA’s colonial legislature
Berkeley fled Bacon died a month later Charles I became critical of Berkeley’s policies Berkeley recalled to England but he died too Exposed the growing power of former indentured servants
1634 founded – ten years after VA Proprietary colony – what do you think this means?
Sir George Calvert – sought religious refuge for English Catholics (Why would this be necessary?) Cecilius Calvert – 2 nd Lord Baltimore Founded colony in 1634
1 st Legislative Assembly met Meant to rely upon mixed farming, but like VA soon came to depend on tobacco 60 manorial estates existed in Maryland by 1676