Battle of Fallujah: Operation Vigilant Resolve Matthew Tralka Battle of Fallujah: Operation Vigilant Resolve
Combatants United States Islamic Army of Iraq Poland Al Qaeda of Iraq Academi (formerly Blackwater) PMC Islamic Army of Iraq Al Qaeda of Iraq Mujahedeen Baathists
Rising Tensions Fun Fact! General John Albizaid, director of US forces, Middle East, was attacked on the 12th of February from RPG wielding insurgents. From within the Iraqi base! Rising Tensions Insurgents Friendly Forces Recorded Incidents Random US airstrikes cause anger 700 soldiers of the 82nd Airborne are deployed Opposition against US troops begins April 23, 2003 February 31, 2004 Protesters gather at a school 17 killed 70 wounded Protesters protesting the earlier shooting 3 Killed 101st under RPG attack 6 injured 1 KIA, pfc Oberleitner Local mosque explodes, blame passed around 9 Killed Insurgents release 87 prisoners 17 offices KIA 3rd Armored Calvalry and 101st Airborne replace the 82nd. They leave without suffer casualties US troops request the assistance of 1500 more 3rd Armored Calvary
The arrival of the | Marine Expeditionary Force The Marine Expeditionary Force arrived and took control of Fallujah in March of 2004 Casualties Loss of control The arrival of the | Marine Expeditionary Force All US forces were quickly extracted
Academi/Blackwater 4 US private military contractors employed by Blackwater USA were ambushed during a routine food delivery for the Eurest Support Services (ESS, a catering company used during large scale tactical operations in unforgiving environments where normal companies couldn’t be used)
Media demands “pacification” of Fallujah Media Influence The media picked up the Blackwater massacre and aired several nights of protest calling for the “pacification” of Fallujah. Media demands “pacification” of Fallujah US Military suspends humanitarian goals and promises to pacify Fallujah | Marine Expeditionary Force receives go orders to begin operations within the city March 31, 2004 April 1, 2004 April 3, 2004
Tactics US forces led the engagement by closing down all poe into Fallujah Aerial strikes brought down strategic enemy location Scout sniper teams were a major part of the battle, providing overwatch on every major part of the town. They averaged 31 confirms each Insurgents operated in 12 main groups Supplied by the Iraqi Police Retreated throughout the city to multiple hard points Fun Fact! US PSYOP teams worked with scout snipers, blaring AC/DC and playing offensive and racist terms over loudspeakers. When the insurgents ran out to confront the source of the sound the scout snipers shot them!
Progression After 3 days of fighting the Marines gained approx. 25% of the city 6 days after the fighting broke out a ceasefire was put in place to facilitate negotiations between the Iraqi council and the insurgents During the ceasefire a party of civilians organized by a fact of the Shi’a-Sunni provided humanitarian aid to the remaining civilians
April 27, 2004 US is forced to order tactical bombing of 12 insurgent positions in order to provide support to marines on the ground April 19, 2004 a plan was brought into place to allow US/Iraqi patrols May 1, 2004 US turns over control of Fallujah to the newly made Fallujah Brigade Fallujah Brigade falls and by November US troops are back to fighting in Fallujah Conclusion
Casualties US Insurgent 27/2,200 220/3600 Civilian 600 Fun Fact! All of the Iraqis are buried under the cities football stadium, known as Maryrs’ Cemetery. All 820 of them!