National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Dr. Bonnie Hobson Dr. Bonnie Hobson Instructional Supervisor for Gifted Education Gail Collins Differentiation Specialist Harrisonburg City Schools Harrisonburg, Virginia
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Your Gifted Child’s Classroom What should it look like?
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Let’s take a look inside a Differentiated Classroom
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Things You Should See Acceleration Library Research Open-ended activities Independent study Student choice in assignments Flexible grouping Self paced materials Varied teaching methods
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Assessments Does the teacher know: What your child knows? How your child learns? Your child’s interest? Your child’s ability level?
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention your child learns METAMORPHOSIS
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention your child learns
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention APPROPRIATE CONTENT
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Your Child Learns
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention How Your Child is Measured Open ended assignments/questions Student choice Varied opportunities for evaluation
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Communication Parent Teacher Conference Guide
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Questions to Ask How are students grouped? How do you meet the academic needs of for my gifted child? Will there be any opportunities outside of the regular curriculum for the gifted?
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention How are students grouped for instruction? Homogeneous Heterogeneous Cluster Grouping
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Saturday Morning Summer Programs After School Programs Opportunities Outside the Classroom
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Know Your Stuff Where can I go to find information and research?
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Federal Reports A Nation at RiskA Nation at Risk (1983) National Excellence: A Case For Developing America's TalentNational Excellence: A Case For Developing America's Talent (1993) They both highlight the lack of identification and services of gifted students in America’s schools Call for additional research and programming in the field of gifted education.
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention A Nation Deceived A Nation Deceived 2004 Describes: the advantages of acceleration for gifted children describes the reluctance of America's schools accelerate students despite the overwhelming research supporting it.
National Association for Gifted Children 55 th Annual Convention Questions?