Maria Faret P. 2 May, 2012
Is the Bermuda Triangle real? Is the Bermuda Triangle a myth?
Is it real? Flight 19 disappeared due to the mysterious powers of the Bermuda Triangle. No physical traces of has ever been found. There is no evidence of storms in the area at the time Flight 19 occurred. Flight 19
Is it real? The USS Cyclops vanished. A team of five U.S. Navy bombers disappeared. A seaplane vanished while searching for the aircraft. Ships, planes, and people have disappeared
Is it real? Points to true north on a compass. This has affected the region. Sailors could find themselves in big trouble. Compass variation.
Is it a myth? Commercial and military craft cross this area safely every day. inaccurate reporting. faulty or missing data. Exaggeration of the facts
Is it a myth? Unexpected storms or downward air currents destroyed the ships and planes. Fast ocean currents could have had swept the remains far from where any craft disappeared. The Bermuda Triangle has reported to have brutal storms. Severe weather
Is it a myth? The ship was never suppose to set sail. Human error. Physical causes SS Marine Sulphur
Conclusion In conclusion I believe the Bermuda Triangle does not exist.
IT IS A MYTH I believe the Bermuda Triangle doesn’t exist because there are no real and accurate facts to back up the thought of it actually existing. Yes some boats and airplanes have disappeared but does boats could have crashed and sunken and decayed to the never be found.
Citations Smith, Philip Chadwick Foster. "Bermuda Triangle." World Book Advanced. World Book, Web. 16 May Holcomb, Mary C., and Karl B. Manrodt. "Navigating transportation's Bermuda Triangle: our annual study identifies three specific areas of logistics and transportation management that could yield disastrous results if not addressed. In 2011, those who accept the status quo may not be heard from for years to come." Logistics Management [Highlands Ranch, Co.] 1 Sept. 2011: 26+. Academic OneFile. Web. 16 May "Bermuda Triangle." Bermuda Triangle. Web. 16 May Kusche, Larry. The Disappearance of Flight 19. New York: Harper & Row, 1980.