I NTRODUCTION To our knowledge: culture is under-valued it is under-exploited and yet it holds great potential... Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
C ONTEXT Med Partner countries enjoy varying degrees of development of the culture sector Civil society organisations are the major players on the scene The sector remains active in spite of limited means and the prevalence of other priorities Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
T HE P ROGRAMME F RAMEWORK EU’s new approach to the ENP Increased interest in culture and its inclusion as a cross-cutting issue in all EU’s strategies and programmes The 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions Building on past achievements and lessons learnt 5 Med Culture is funded by the European Union
T HE P ROGRAMME Media and culture, two important vectors for development in the Southern Mediterranean Med Media: towards media sector reform in the southern Mediterranean region. Med Culture: support culture as a vector of democratisation and economic, social and human development in the Southern Mediterranean region. 6 Med Culture is funded by the European Union
THE PROGRAMME Overall Objective Support cultural policy development in the southern Mediterranean neighbourhood in function of priorities Specific Objective Reinforce the capacities of the public and private cultural sector as a vector for democratisation, and economic and social development Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
THE PROGRAMME The programme shall adopt an integrated participatory approach involving the diverse stakeholders (public & private) in the cultural & creative sectors to jointly: Identify priority areas by assessing the needs, challenges and capacities…etc; Define & implement the necessary action plans/road maps for the development of cultural policy frameworks in line with the national priorities in partner countries, with consideration to the evolving global trends; which align innovation and technological evolution with economic growth; Contribute to the design of relevant coherent policy strategies both at national and regional levels Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
1.Develop the capacities of decision-makers for the cultural sector; 2.Coach beneficiaries of the programme grants awarded through the CfP 'Media and culture‘; 3.Develop networks between cultural practitioners, at regional or sub-regional levels in key areas of the culture sector (university and art schools, Members of Parliament, ministries, local authorities, etc.); 4.Develop and make available a sustainable knowledge/information resource “360° overview of the cultural sector” in the region, to decision-makers and practitioners in the sector. The Programme shall Med Culture is funded by the European Union
A T THE H EART OF OUR P ROGRAMME I nspiring principles: Med Culture programme is based on promoting culture as a vector of freedom of expression, which shall in return promote economic growth and create jobs, and on paving the way to an environment that is conducive to social cohesion and democratisation of society. It is about building a shared vision of the future with EU’s neighbours. 10 Med Culture is funded by the European Union
M AIN I SSUES Policies and Legislation Capacity- building Education and training Spaces Funding Networking 11 Governance Med Culture is funded by the European Union
Capacity development Networking TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Dissemination & Sustainability T ECHNICAL A SSISTANCE 12 Med Culture is funded by the European Union
T ECHNICAL A SSISTANCE Approach and Methodology: A consultative/participative approach: ownership is a must; Build on previous experiences and refer to best practices whenever possible; Approach situations according to contexts and circumstances; Be innovative in the delivery of activities; Cultivate national and regional linkages; Coordinate with Donors involved in the region; Deliver key programme results with the potential of long term benefits. Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
A CTIVITIES A set of meetings and workshops aiming at reinforcing capacities, institutional development, development of networking activities involving different cultural operators from the public and the private sector (both non-profit and business sector) according to the themes and objectives Documentation and research activities Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
A CTIVITIES National level Desk work: country reports, including main priorities to address during our project. Priming visits: meeting with authorities and Roundtables with stakeholders from the cultural field Interactive Group meetings: national meetings involving participants aiming at defining the main priorities at the national level and identifying participants to the following activities Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
A CTIVITIES National Level Constitution of national focus groups: participants from both the public and the private sector (including non for profit and business). Each group works on precise topics according to national priorities. They contribute to data report and establishing road map Multilateral/regional level Large scale Meetings: Opening and closing conferences, contributing to networking. Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
A CTIVITIES Multilateral/regional level Reflection and action groups (15-20 people) Transnational thematic workshops, focussing on a specific topic and gathering cultural operators from different countries Envisioning workshops, dedicated to the elaboration of visions and innovative actions Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
A CTIVITIES Multilateral/regional level Peer to peer meetings with the collaboration of experts: exchange of good practices between cultural practitioners and with experts from the region, to develop capacities based on the experience of the participants, addressing specialised topics. There will be some focus on specialised topics Workshops mobilising and informing the private / business sector: to encourage their involvement in the field Donors meeting to enhance a good coordination & networking between companies, foundations, etc. Training modules for grantees of EU funded projects: PCM, logical framework, training for trainers, EU procedures, etc. Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
«360° overview» of the culture & creative sectors in South Mediterranean countries The knowledge-base shall provide practitioners, decision-makers, legislators, donors, researchers, journalists and public at large with a panoramic view of the state of play in the creative and culture sectors. Access to information is vital in facilitating collaborations and establishing linkages among the various stakeholders. A CTIVITIES Med Culture is funded by the European Union
E XPECTED R ESULTS: Effect real change on the ground… dynamic sector policies and proper legislation adequate financial means organised connected and well- trained CSOs dynamic culture sector Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
E XPECTED R ESULT : Effect real change on the ground… added value social development dynamic culture sector economic development Friday, 23 October Med Culture is funded by the European Union
Med Culture Programme Think culture, Think growth! Med Culture is funded by the European Union