Cultural Diversity, Faith, and Mental Issues MISTY HARDING, MS LCMFT THE SALVATION ARMY, WICHITA, KS
Cultural Competence Culture person’s beliefs, norms, values, and language Competence Ability to work effectively and sensitively within various cultural context. Honor and respect
Research Studies have shown people of color; may not seek formal services, have less access to services, have a higher drop out rate from services, are misdiagnosed more, seek treatment much later than their counterparts.
STATISTICS 2001 Healthcare Quality Survey 1/3 of Hispanics, ¼ of Asian Americans report problems communicating with their doctors 15% of African Americans, 13% of Hispanics, 11% of Asian Americans report they would have received better health care if they were a different race/ethnicity
Recommendations Research African American, Hispanic, Asian American, Native, other prominent populations in the area; Views on Mental Health Views on Mental Illness Views of age related issues; Views of and about seniors, adults, and youth
Faith; an integral piece of culture Culture: a person’s beliefs, norms, values, and language. Beliefs Norms Values Language
Faith and Mental Illness Mental illness is not: Possession Demons Sins of the Father Retribution But…some folks think it is…..
Faith and Mental Illness Healing – a sense of wholeness and peace – process Cure – restoration to a normal state – an act Job was healed but not cured. Suffering is part of the plan Acceptance brings healing
5 important factors when addressing mental illness with faith 1. Acceptance 2. Spiritual strength Prayer/meditation Relationships Giving and receiving acts of love Communion with God’s creation 3. Honesty Strengths and challenges Meaning and purpose Being a caretaker of a suffering person is a blessing. Connection is the path for God to do His work. A connection can be a deep and meaningful give and take relationship OR a simple unobtrusive presence and witness to the struggle.
5 important factors when addressing mental illness with faith 4. Dissatisfaction Stages of emotion Anger Guilt Resentment Grief Understanding Acceptance of your role in the process Dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction causes the strive to address the present state 5. Prioritize
Recommendation There is a temptation to turn it over to God Ask for strength and direction Seek services and medication Keep spiritual health equally important Devine healing is independent of physical health Spiritual health effects physical health