11.03.2009, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Status MVD demonstrator: mechanics & integration T.Tischler, S. Amar-Youcef, M. Deveaux, D. Doering,


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Presentation transcript:

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Status MVD demonstrator: mechanics & integration T.Tischler, S. Amar-Youcef, M. Deveaux, D. Doering, J. Heuser, I. Fröhlich, J. Michel, C. Müntz, C.Schrader, S. Seddiki, J. Stroth, C. Trageser and B. Wiedemann

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Status MVD demonstrator: mechanics & integration Outline: MVD demonstrator -Global design -Sensors -Mechanical support -FPC -Integration procedure -Demo-Aux board -Thermal simulations -Mechanical and thermal stress tests Cryogenic system and vacuum system Summary and Outlook

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MVD demonstrator: Global design 2x MIMOSA-20 Sensors ZIF connector Flex-rigid R/O Demo-Aux board Liquid cooled Cu heat sink TPG/RVC/TPG sandwich Flexprint Cable

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MVD demonstrator: Sensors MIMOSA x 640 pixels - 30 μm pixel pitch - ~ 2 ms time resolution - ~ 2 cm² active surface - 2 serial analogue outputs - Differential output lines MIMOSA-20 Successfully operated with demonstrator electronics (See talk of S. Amar-Youcef)

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Structure of the support: MVD demonstrator: Mechanical support TPG (Thermal Pyrolytic Graphite) ultra high heat conduction (1500 W/mK in two dimensions) RVC (Reticulated Vitreous Carbon) ultra light and stiff material Dummy chips (former CMS test structures) Complete support is called „sandwich“. Currently % X 0 plus sensors Thickness [μm] 1xSplicing tape glue 35 ± 5 2xTPG (C) 300 ± 20 2xLiquid glue 100 ± 20 1xRVC (C foam) 5600 ± 200 Sum 6435 ± 205 2x

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MVD demonstrator: Flexprint cable Currently 0,212 % X 0 3 layers of 12 μm copper on Polyimide - Minimized set of lines for 2 MIMOSA-20 - One cable for two sensors for individual readout - 60 pads for chip bonding Design and layout by electronics IKF 52,5 mm 32 mm Can be reduced by replacing Cu with Al. Contact to ALICE Silicon Tracker group established. Flexprint cable demonstrator

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MVD demonstrator: Flexprint cable FPC-balcony structure comes with pad-layout advantage: easier bonding First bonding exercises with FPC glued on Dummy Chip succeeded

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MVD demonstrator: Integration procedure Silicon TPG RVC Adhesive FPC Bonds Components: Double-side (DemoV2): Handlin g - Support Open questions: - Order of mounting - High precison positioning - Risks of damages while mounting - 1-sided / 2-sided mounting

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MVD demonstrator: Demo-Aux board see talk of C. Schrader Demo-Aux board connects Chip and FPC with readout chain. Mounted on heat sink for direct cooling. Heat sink modification is work in progress. Heat sink

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MVD demonstrator: Thermal simulations 10 mW 2 W 10 mW 1 W/cm² 2 W 0°C Thermal simulations: MVD demonstrator can handle the upcoming heat. Dissipated by FPC Dissipated by Demo-Aux board Dissipated by Demo-Aux board Dissipated by FPC Dissipated by Chips Simulations done by Samir Amar-Youcef Heat conductivity

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MVD demonstrator: Thermal simulations Temperature maximum 30.4 °C Temperature minimum 0 °C Temperature gradient on chip surface First chip 5°C Second chip 8°C to be confirmed experimentally

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Study potential problems caused by different thermal expansion coefficients of the support materials. Thermocycling with Liquid Nitrogen MVD demonstrator: Mechanical and thermal stress tests Testchips do not show any changes, especially no cracks First results are promising. CTE [1/K] Dummy chips (Si)3,00 x TPG (C)1,00 x RVC (C foam)2,20 x Static load test of one Sandwich by an accident. RVC was compressed but test chips do not show any cracks Further tests are needed.

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Cryo system and vacuum system Demonstrator is designed and constructed for use in vacuum. Vacuum system is ready and operational. First material tests were made but further studies are needed to make a qualitative statement. Characteristics: - vacuum operation down to mbar - electronic pressure readout via Labview - 50 Pin- and several BNC-feedthroughs available for electronic test under vacuum - modular system inside the vacuum system multifarious operations feasible together with B. Wiedemann

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Cryo system and vacuum system A cryogenic system is placed inside the vacuum system to study radiation hardness of MIMOSA-chips at temperatures down to Liquid Nitrogen temperature for the future MVD. Affluxion of LN2 is regulated via temperature sensors mounted inside the system. Additional cooling circuit for MIMOSA readout cards needed, can handle temperatures down to - 90°C. Readout cards must prevented to be at LN2 temperature. LN2 temperature inside cryogenic system Temperature sensors

, T. Tischler, CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Summary and Outlook Outlook: Combination of functionalities ( heat conductivity, mechanical stability and FPC) together with IPHC (Strasbourg) and IMEC (Belgium) Summary : Global design of the MVD demonstrator was updated and tested in simulations. Mechanical support was build and tested. FPC is available and first exercises in bonding started. First mechanical stress tests were made with promising results. Conclusion: Main components of the demonstrator are available and also tested. Experiments to confirm the simulation results must follow.