RACE ISSUES IN AMERICA 1929 – 1990 (Violent Protest)
BLACK POWER Black Power (Black is Beautiful) developed under Stokely Carmichael. Advocated the use of VIOLENCE. Their mark was the clenched fist salute which was demonstrated at the 1968 Olympics.
Study the pictures and explain what image Malcom X portrayed?
VIOLENT PROTEST… Malcom X was a Black Muslim who supported a more militant / violent stance against segregation, racism and discrimination in America He was typical of black Muslims who demanded separate but equal development and chose an African religion He was a very charismatic and influential figure. Malcolm X was originally a member of the NATION of ISLAM
MALCOM X Followers of Malcom X were much more aggressive in defence of black rights that Martin Luther King and the wider peace movement. They believed MLK’s soft approach was not working i.e. there were violent attacks on Black people who protested for equality. Black people should defend themselves i.e. Violence should be met with violence. They believed that the black community should be segregated from the white community and should not beg the white man for equality. Also the black community should educate itself, develop its own businesses, and build up its own community without the white man’s help.
BLACK PANTHERS The Black Panthers were the most violent and secretive group. They were involved in many bloody battles with the police in the 1960’s. On top of this the 1960’s heralded many disorganised and localised rioting such as the one in NYC in 1964 and the Watts Riot in LA in There were further violent riots in 1966 in Cleveland, Chicago, Newark and detroit. In 1968 rioting broke out all over the US when it was announced that MLK had been assassinated. Examine the source and describe what image the black panthers wanted portray.
Throughout the 1960’s there were widespread riots such as those in the WATTS district of Los Angeles in which 34 people were killed 1072 people were injured in 6 days of rioting. Much of the area was burned down by its own people who chanted ‘black power’ slogans and fired on police. Why do you think black people resorted to violence in the 1960’s?
SUCCESSFUL??? However the successes achieved in the fight for Civil Rights can be as much attributed to people like Malcolm X as Martin Luther King. The peaceful approach showed how respectable black people were. The more aggressive approach of the black power movement showed black people would no longer put up with violence against them and this no doubt scared some white people / politicians in to action.
TASK Write a speech from the point of view of a supporter of Martin Luther King. Explain the importance of non violent protest and why violent protest is wrong. All images sourced from The National Library of Congress. ( As far as the author is aware there are no known restrictions on publication.