Reporting Status - HMIS portal
Reporting status of Health facilities in : Only half of the facilities are reporting
Health Facility Reporting Status District Total Facility Apr-11May-11Jun-11Jul-11Aug-11Sep-11 Facilities reporting % % % % % % BPR CDL CCP SPT UKL TML IE IW TBL Manipur
Health Facility Reporting Status District Total Facility Oct-11Nov-11Dec-11Jan-12Feb-12Mar-12 Facilities reporting % % % % % % BPR CDL CCP SPT UKL TML IE IW TBL Manipur
Data Quality Checks - HMIS portal
Data errors Data errors in monthly HMIS report : District-wise Analysis BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLMNP
Number of Data Errors Financial Year: State: Manipur DISTRICT Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Total Error BPR CDL CCP IE IW SPT TML TBL UKL Manipur
Reporting pendency - HMIS portal
Centre State ForwardDistrict Forward District Draft Block Forward Block Draft Stages of Data reporting in HMIS portal 9
Status of Reporting - HMIS portal ( ) Data committed by stateLevel 4 Data committed by DistrictLevel 3 Data uploaded but not committed by DistrictLevel 2 Data not uploadedLevel 1 District Annual report Quarterly report Qtr-1Qtr-2Qtr-3Qtr-4 BPRlevel 4 CDLlevel 4level 1 CCPlevel 4 IElevel 4 IWlevel 4 SPTlevel 4level 1level 4 level 1 TMLlevel 4 TBLlevel 4 UKLlevel 4level 1level 2level 4
Data Completeness - HMIS portal
Percentage of data filled District Tot. Data Items Apr-11May-11Jun-11Jul-11Aug-11Sep-11 Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % BPR CDL CCP IE IW SPT TML TBL UKL Manipur
Percentage of data filled District Tot. Data Items Oct-11Nov-11Dec-11Jan-12Feb-12Mar-12 Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % Filled % Zero % BPR CDL CCP IE IW SPT TML TBL UKL Manipur
Data quality issues in HMIS report Under-reporting or no reporting for anemia during pregnancy Hb. Level for ANC BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Hb level<11 (tested cases) Severe anaemia (Hb<7) Measles 2 nd dose reporting is very low in many district BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Measles 2nd dose ( No. of children more than 16 months of age ) Low value reporting for birth dose vaccinations BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Live birth reported OPV 0 (Birth Dose) Hep-B0 (Birth Dose)
Data quality issues in HMIS report Non - reporting in JE vaccination – a serious concern for MoHFW 5. Diptheria reporting in Ukhrul district in BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Japanese Encephalitis (JE) vaccination (>16 months) Childhood deseaseBPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKL Diphtheria Reported distribution of Cenchromen pills by districts (from where ??) Family PlanningBPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal No. of Centchroman pills given
Data quality issues in HMIS report Discharge within 48 hrs after delivery is high for most district. Moreover, PP check-up within 48 hrs is very low in CCP & IE 8. % of C-Section is high in Pvt. Institutions 9. High Abortion rate in some districts BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Total Inst. Delivery (Public + Private) % discharged under 48 hours of delivery % receiving PP check-up within 48 hrs after delivery Normal % = 15 BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal % of C-section in Public Inst % of C-section in Pvt. Inst Normal % = 10 BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal % of abortion
Data quality issues in HMIS report Under-reporting in line listing of deaths 11. Non-matching of JSY beneficiaries data (quarterly & monthly) 12. False reporting in monthly stock/inventory at district HQ BPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Infant & child deaths Maternal deaths Other deaths TypeBPRCDLCCPIEIWSPTTMLTBLUKLTotal Home JSY Monthly Quarterly Inst. JSY Monthly Quarterly District-wise Details
Data quality issues with HMIS report False reporting of delivery cases in many SCsFalse reporting of delivery cases in many SCs 17. Late reporting by districts & blocks hinders the process of data quality checks & timely feedbacks 15.The process of authentication of monthly reports submitted by health facilities needs to be strengthened at all level. This is lacking in many district. Consequence - validation errors & unrealistic figures in the final district consolidated report. 16.District & block data managers should compulsorily verify & check while uploading health facility reports. 18. Annual infrastructure report in the HMIS portal needs to be filled & uploaded in Forms may be downloaded from the download section of the HMIS portal ( )
Timeliness in Reporting Timely Reporting Districts Late Reporting Districts 1Bishnupur1Chandel 2Imphal West2Senapati 3Thoubal3Ukhrul 4Churachandpur4Imphal East 5Tamenglong