Safeguarding Children Alison Wood Paediatric Directorate Manager Named Nurse for Child Protection
History of child abuse Inquiry into death of Maria Colwell - 1973 Child abuse registers introduced - 1974 Inquiry into the death of Jasmine Beckford - 1984 Inquiry into the death of Charlene Salt - 1986 Report into Child Abuse in Cleveland - 1987 The Children Act - 1989 (implemented 1991) Working together to Safeguard Children – 1991, 1999
Government response Every child matters – 2003 NSF for children and young people - 2003 and 2004 Children Act 2004 Working together to safeguard children (Draft) 2005
Every child matters:
Local Safeguarding Children Board Stay Safe Safe from crime and anti social behaviour in and out of school Have security, stability and are cared for Safe from bullying and discrimination Stay safe from maltreatment neglect, violence and sexual exploitation Safe from accidental injury and death
Trust Board: Trish Mason – Lead Executive Director for Safeguarding Children Gerald Dakin – Lead Non-executive Director for Safeguarding Children
Named professionals: Dr Frank Hinde - Named doctor, PRH Dr John Brice - Named doctor, RSH Alison Wood - Named nurse Ghislaine Williams - Named midwife
Trust Preventative Strategy for Safeguarding Children NSF for children standard (2003/4) Initially developed in May 2004 Action plan developed December 2004 Strategy reviewed and updated January 2006 to include: 5 outcomes New legislation – e.g. formation of LSCBs Trust evidence
Safer recruitment of staff Criminal Record Bureau HR policy currently being updated Bichard Report Training for managers (Clinical) supervision
Training for staff All staff receive basic awareness at Trust Induction Additional training for specific departments Plans for the future: Staff handbook Hospital intranet Road shows
Monitoring Performance indicator for Acute Trusts Serious case reviews Audit of nursing/medical documentation Audit of child protection arrangements CHI self assessment tool for child protection for clinical teams
Conclusion The Trust’s preventative strategy for safeguarding children provides the focus for raising awareness of children’s issues and ensures the Trust has systems and services in place which aim to promote children’s wellbeing.