Vien Truong, Esq. The Greenlining Institute Marybelle Nzegwu, Esq. Public Advocates Inc.
The Climate Gap
Reach 1990 levels of GHG by 2020 Encouraged state to direct revenues to disproportionately impacted communities CA’s Air Resources Board (CARB) created a scoping plan to meet the AB 32 goals Scoping Plan included cap and trade AB 32 (2006) Global Warming Solutions Act AB 32 (2006) Global Warming Solutions Act
Directs cap and trade revenues to areas of state most impacted by climate change: 25% benefit disadvantaged communities 10% in disadvantaged communities Co-benefits: 1.Clean up air pollution 2.Improve public health 3.Increase mobility 4.Economic growth 5.Create new jobs, and more.
SB 535 & AB 1532 amassed 200 supporters from environmental justice, green, health, business, labor, immigrant, housing, transportation & faith organizations, and local elected leaders
$272M Total (32% of the total revenues) Near-Term Priority GHG Reduction Programs & Funding in FY Budget
$2.237 B 25% = $559M
. Inequality is Bad for the Environment & Economy. Invest to meet the priority needs of underserved communities. When underserved communities thrive, there is a beneficial multiplier effect.
Does the investment avoid substantial burdens? Are low-income residents or households the primary beneficiaries? Are the benefits significant? Will the investment meet an important community need?
TAKE THE BUS HOME, TO SCHOOL, WORK, MARKET & REDUCE GHG/CO- POLLUTANT EMISSIONS Lower-income Californians are the core ridership of our transit systems; For the transit dependent, buses provide dense service coverage within and between neighborhoods and connect riders with all of their possible destinations.
Investments in affordable units for Low Income, Very Low Income and Extremely Low Income households result in greatest reductions of VMT and help meet a significant unmet need. Affordable Housing near transit in high-opportunity locations, such as areas with good schools and near jobs-centers, helps increase access to opportunity AND is a highly-effective GHG reduction method.