Welcome to Year 3 Miss Browning
PE Tuesdays and Wednesdays Tuesdays with Miss Browning Wednesdays with a specialist PE coach I recommend that children have both an indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times. Outdoor kit: trainers, plain black jogging pants and sweatshirt.
English – Every day Maths – Every day RE: Come and See – 2.5 hours per week Curriculum in Y3 Science – Thursday afternoon PE – Tuesday and Wednesday Topic – The Romans – Monday afternoon Computing – Friday afternoon Phonics: Every day Spanish – Once a fortnight Please see our class page on the school website for the half term curriculum overview, updates and pictures. website
3 TOP TIPS If you want your child to make excellent progress this year I recommend: Daily reading at home Frequent times tables practice Daily spelling practice
Library books can be changed during lunchtimes. Daily independent reading. Guided reading twice per week. Reading activities on remaining days. Reading Reading in school Library books Please read a minimum of 5 times per week. Reading logs should be signed by an adult. Children who read 5 times per week will be rewarded. Children who do not read regularly at home will be asked to stay in to read during play times. Reading at home
By the end of Year 3 the children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12. Bronze: times tables in order. Silver: times tables out of order. Gold: corresponding division facts. Times tables Times tables challenge Booklet to take home. My Maths Times tables songs Times tables apps/online games. Practising at home
Spelling test and new spellings given out every Monday. Spellings New format: handwriting sheets. Reasoning: 1.To practise both handwriting and spelling. 2.The continuous flow of cursive writing improves spelling; the children develop a ‘physical memory’ of a word. Please return the completed sheets every Monday.
Homework One piece of Homework will be set every Friday, to be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday. If a child does not return their homework, they will be asked to stay in to complete the task during their playtime. Usually tasks will alternate between a English based task and a Maths based task (on My Maths). My Maths Usernames and passwords should be the same as last year. A reminder of these will be sent home this week.
Open door policy Feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns – my door is always open! If you need a private chat, please see me or alternatively ask for an appointment at the school office. Need to speak to me?