What The Forms?!
@cmcgee200 drchrismcgee.com/ Top 100 Blogs TOP 100 Edtech
Using Forms to: Take grant applications: PDK Grant 6v7uvlBTU1O5hUl6c- ZrlKK9UUQFKWzZFfwM/viewform 6v7uvlBTU1O5hUl6c- ZrlKK9UUQFKWzZFfwM/viewform
Project Progress
Using Forms to: Gain feedback: EdcampSTL Eval m9z0dDSRdYEwQQkJrBswmoLGbFu9pJAzz 0/viewform m9z0dDSRdYEwQQkJrBswmoLGbFu9pJAzz 0/viewform Results: =0Agz1J6fj2c9rdE44NUo1MFNuakxpT3RsW GttcnNULWc&usp=drive_web#gid=0
Using Forms to: Gather Research: Chat Schedule: m?usp=drive_web&formkey=dF9kWFFKV1k 2R2tFOGVfd19EcXFXZnc6MA#gid=0 m?usp=drive_web&formkey=dF9kWFFKV1k 2R2tFOGVfd19EcXFXZnc6MA#gid=0
Using Forms to: Track Reading Records
Using Forms to: Turn in work in my classroom ?usp=drive_web&formkey=dFhBMWpnV2hm X29kVzdwbkJHbVRvZ1E6MQ#gid=0
Using Forms to: Record Mileage: m?usp=drive_web&formkey=dHJLZFNxSnF UcDRaUFd0czN4TTN5cmc6MQ#gid=0 m?usp=drive_web&formkey=dHJLZFNxSnF UcDRaUFd0czN4TTN5cmc6MQ#gid=0
Using Forms to: Plan a presentation/workshop: axDV3_CSbrqXMlp0LkaRqtrSjtuqKq54Ic/vie wform axDV3_CSbrqXMlp0LkaRqtrSjtuqKq54Ic/vie wform
Using Forms to: Take a test/quiz
Using Forms to: Feedback at the end of a day: ?usp=drive_web&formkey=dE8zWllRWjEtMH FPcTF6X3pTX3RPbUE6MQ#gid=0
Using Forms to: Monitor student projects: m?usp=drive_web&formkey=dHlaQjB2LWhH aHpBaFJ2UHR4TkdvRFE6MQ#gid=0 m?usp=drive_web&formkey=dHlaQjB2LWhH aHpBaFJ2UHR4TkdvRFE6MQ#gid=0
Using Forms to: take lunch orders: dsheet/viewform?usp=drive_web&formkey=d GJPVUw5a1dqdWdxeWZ3QU53bmtJUGc6M Q#gid=0 dsheet/viewform?usp=drive_web&formkey=d GJPVUw5a1dqdWdxeWZ3QU53bmtJUGc6M Q#gid=0
Using Forms to: ask questions without having to raise your hand: CG9vy_CFTRB6QdcU4AqDxFR3iPeDRIbpcz 4/viewform CG9vy_CFTRB6QdcU4AqDxFR3iPeDRIbpcz 4/viewform
Ways forms could be useful as an administrator
Make a form the new office referral Use to get feedback from participants on PD send out before PD to help differentiate the learning other ideas?
How else can you use forms?
Sharing a form When would it be best to... share via ? share via QR code share via posted shortened link embed it into a website and share via that site
Beginner: Create a form and change the template. Intermediate: Graph the results of the form data. Advanced: Create a formula in Flubaroo to grade your spelling test. Go on, try it out
Collaboratively make a form One person in your group needs to make a form and give editing rights to the other members of the group. Together make an assessment of this workshop. Each person should create and add at least one question to the form Share your assessment with another group via , QR code, or shortened link
Resources Resources for Google Forms: User group How to Beginner and AdvancedBeginnerAdvanced Forms in docs videovideo Creating a quiz using google formsgoogle forms Tutorial Drive PLUS pagePLUS page Drive BlogBlog