“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” -Mahatma Gandhi
“Nonviolence is not a weapon of the weak. It is a weapon of the strongest and the bravest.” -Mahatma Gandhi
1) These quotes are fairly well known. The first is a quote that is very applicable to situations in which people are complaining about something wrong in the world. This quote essentially says that instead of complaining about what is wrong, do something about it, get involved and change it yourself. The second quote is a response to all those people who think that being nonviolent in a situation is being a coward. Gandhi responds to this by saying that it takes more courage not to fight back physically against something wrong. Throwing punches only creates more problems, not less. Gandhi recognized this and used it as advice to others. 2) The quotes easily connect to one another because if you want to change the world, you can and should, but not through violence. The use of violence to change the world is a war, and wars do not help anyone. 3) At the time that Gandhi was helping fight for Indian rights, many people were using physical force to get what they wanted. This was especially true for the schism between the Hindu and Muslim populations within India. Gandhi wanted this to change, and he did so through fasting. This nonviolent method drew attention to his cause without harming anyone. Through his decision to fast, he was singlehandedly changing the world. 4) The first quote finds a perfect home in the topic of stewardship of our planet. Everyone needs to do their part in helping protect the planet from the effects of human negligence. By recycling and other environmentally beneficial programs, we can all be the change that we want to see in our world. The second quote is as true today as it was the day Gandhi said it. Nations are still fighting all over the world, and if they would just stop and talk to each other, many problems could be solved. It takes courage to put down your gun and try to talk to the person that you were just shooting at, but with that courage comes the hope of peace.