Participation in the affairs of your community, province, country or world to influence decision makers to make positive change for the common good (the best interest of everybody) The question to consider is why participate? To serve your own interests? To serve the the interests of others, the community?
We have used the term “Follow the Money” to understand the motivations for decisions that have influenced our history. The problem with this motivation is that it only serves the self. “What do I get?”
Another motivation to consider is “what is the best way to help others”. What should I give rather than what do I get? This ideal has also influenced many of the events of history (Mahatma Gandhi and the changes made in India in the 1940’s). The idea of service has: Respect Has made positive change Has the power to influence decision makers
As Catholics we also have an understanding of how we should participate in the civic affairs of our community, province, country or world. We can see this through 7 themes or ideas called the “Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching”. We can also consider these 7 ideas as “Seven Ideas for Civic Participation”
Each person’s sense of self-value should be protected by others: The importance of working for adequate housing for everybody. The importance of having classrooms and workplaces that are free from bullying. The importance of helping each person reach their full potential.
We must be involved with, respect and care for our families and community: The importance of being a positive influence in your family life. The importance of resisting the attitude of “its not my business” when it comes to issues such as keeping the community/school clean, safe and crime free.
We must not only ensure our own rights but take responsibility to protect and ensure the rights of others are respected: The right to feel and be safe in a classroom. The right to learn in a classroom. The right to live in a home that is safe, clean and free of fear and tension. The right to live in a community where all people have the right to be themselves and not feel forced to be what others want them to be.
We must take notice of and action to help those who do not have enough: The importance of supporting food banks, homeless shelters etc. The importance of educating ourselves about the social and economic forces that keep the poor from rising out of poverty. The importance of realizing that the poor need extra help to be able to become equal participants in our community and economy.
Employment and preparation for daily work will take a major portion of the average person’s life. Workers need: To be respected as people who are valuable to the community. To be safe and free from harassment in the workplace. To be paid a fair wage. To have their work respected as a necessary contribution to the community.
The importance of seeing that we are “all in this life together”. What happens to some can eventually affect us all: It is important to realize that if we just watch while others are bullied we give permission for that to happen. When we let this happen we let the bullies take charge, leaving all of us live in fear. This can happen in our school as well as our community.
The environment is our responsibility as well as that of the environmental groups, government and big business. The importance of examining your own lifestyle to see if the small affect you have on the environment contributes to a positive or negative impact when combined with the lifestyle of others. Action is needed to care for the environment: change in lifestyle, seeking change in government policy, making others aware of the impact of their lifestyles and choices on the environment.
Members of each group focus on preparation of presentation. Answers are clearly written on flip chart paper. Group makes a clear, easy to hear presentation. Group is able to clearly: Make connections to “Seven Ideas for Civic Participation”. Describe how a typical student can respond to an issue of social justice. Show an understanding of the barriers a student could face in responding to an issue of social justice. Show an understanding of the risks a student could face in responding to an issue of social justice. You listen attentively to other students as they present.