Definition: to work together on a project Derivatives: collaborative, collaboration, collaborates, collaborated Sentence: We needed at least eight people to collaborate on our game plan. Part of Speech: verb Link: at least eight
Definition: downhearted; hopeless; overwhelmed with sadness Derivatives: despondently, despondence, despondency Sentence: John was despondent because he could not pay the rent. Part of Speech: adjective Link: not pay the rent
Definition: to bring about by moving others to action; stir up Derivatives: instigated, instigating, instigator, instigating, instigation Sentence: He tried to instigate a fight when he smashed the gate leading to his ex-girlfriend’s house. Part of Speech: verb Link: smashed the gate
Definition: able to recover quickly from harm, illness, or misfortune Derivatives: resiliently, resilience Sentence: The brilliant student is resilient and never gives up no matter what the problem is. Part of Speech: adjective Link: brilliant
Definition: reviewing the past; considering past events Derivatives: retrospective, retrospection Sentence: In retrospect, he should have inspected the footprints sooner. Part of Speech: noun Link: inspect
Definition: fundamental; necessary to learn first Derivatives: rudimental, rudimentariness, rudamentarily Sentence: It is rudimentary to learn addition before multiplication in elementary school. Part of Speech: adjective Link: elementary
Definition: to make fun of; mock; refuse to take seriously Derivatives: scoffing, scoffed, scoffer Sentence: It was not smart to scoff at the boy’s cough as it turned into a serious illness. Part of Speech: verbLink: cough
Definition: to silence or suppress; crush Derivatives: squelcher, squelchy, squelches Sentence: After drinking a soda he had to squelch a belch. Part of Speech: verb Link: belch
Definition: to respect deeply; revere Derivatives: venerator, veneration, venerates, venerating Sentence: They will venerate the guest of honor by telling him how great he is. Part of Speech: verb Link: how great
Definition: a person totally devoted to a purpose or cause Derivatives: zealots Sentence: Even if the car has 200,000 miles on it, the zealot will sell it. Part of Speech: noun Link: sell it