The big questions What happens when we reach Peak Oil? How do we adapt to Climate Change? How do we survive the next economic crash?
What would be impacted? Transport Food Work Clothes Holidays Buildings Heating Lighting Business Education...
So what are you doing about it? What’s your plan? Ignore it? Dismiss it? Do nothing? Wait for someone else to solve it? TECHNOLOGY!! Pray? Transition’s first response: “Energy Descent Plans” Less affected, less dependent More resilient, more self-reliant, more community-based
So what are you doing about it? Transition Network supports community-led responses to climate change and shrinking supplies of cheap energy, building resilience and happiness. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi “It starts with me...”
Resilience Working and living within the natural world (Permaculture) Renewable energy sources Enough: using less, living more Sharing, Collaborating Local Community: streets/towns Independence... Self-sufficiency Skills: repairing, making, Resources: using less, up-cycling, re-cycling, re-using Food: Growing; Cooking; Buying: “LOAF” Local, Organic, Animal-Friendly, FairTrade Consultation: local councils (community, environment, development) Education, training, support “it’s not just about being less-unsustainable – we need to figure out how to live sustainably”
Global movement...
...and if all the science is wrong?