DRINKING MORE WATER For my final project I decided to revisit the advertisement project. I thought it was fun brainstorming funny ideas for my previous version of this project and thought I should do a more serious issue. Anytime I hear someone say they have a headache or their tired it immediately makes me thinking about drinking water and how the majority of people today don’t drink enough water. According to a University of Washington study seventy-five percent of Americans walk around chronically dehydrated and thirty-seven percent of Americans thirsty mechanism is so weak its most often mistaken for hunger which leads to over eating. Some early symptoms of dehydration are fatigue and headaches. I constantly see people chugging down energy drinks, coffee and sodas all day but no water. Caffeine just makes thing worse by dehydrating us quicker. So for my final project I wanted to make another awareness advertise about drinking more water. This kind of touches back on my first project with people over eating junk food while watching movies but I think drinking more water is a super easy step in living a healthier life. The benefits of staying hydrated especially with water are and could be life changing for some. Its said that an eight ounce glass of water before bed knocked out bedtime hunger one hundred percent. Also with people mistaking hunger for thirst its easy to see how over eating is a problem. The main point I want to get across to the public is to simply drink more water and less soda. Unless you seriously drink gallons of water there are no negative health impacts to us. One of my ideas is to have a silhouette of a person drinking water but have them filling up with water. Another idea I had is to have an extremely refreshing glass of water with a got milk ad feel to it.