Polarimetric Solid State Radar Design for CASA Student Test Bed Alexandra Litchfield
Objective To design a Dual Polarimetric Solid State Doppler Radar for the CASA student Test Bed.
Possible Radar Localization @ Aguadilla, PR
Possible Radar Localization @ Mayaguez, PR
Why Solid Sate Definition: Solid State Devices and Systems are based entirely on semiconductor. There is no mechanical action on a solid state device but electromagnetic action takes place. Current is confined to solid elements. Advantages: Does not need a high voltage modulator. Use less power (kW from Magnetron are eliminated) Coherent radars can be made. Pulse Compression can be used. Coherent radar: se mantiene el control de la fase Pulse compression: aumenta la resolucion en rango.
Radar Requirements Radar Freq: 9.5-9.6 GHz (X Band) Peak Transmitter Power: 25W Minimum Detectable Signal Power: -100dBm Antenna Gain: 12dB Horizontal Antenna Beam Width: 6 degrees Vertical Antenna Beam Width: 6 degrees Pulse Width: 30us Max Range: 6km
Project Phases Radar Front End Digital Signal Processing TR Module Transmit/Receive Module Circuit Design Component Layouts Build and Test Phase shifter Phase shifter circuit design Master clock distribution Digital Signal Processing Antenna Implementation Integration Este proyecto es bien abarcador por lo cual lo hemos dividido en fases.
TR Original Preliminary Design Transmit Path PA Directional Coupler Circ. IF Limiter OSC S Combiner Power Receiver Path LNA Calibration Path IF
Preliminary Design for Radar Front End Power Combiner RF PA S Cal PreA LNA Tx Rx LO 12 canales, por dos polarizaciones para un total de 24 canales. Phase shifter Phase shifter Ø Ø IF Divider / Combiner Tx Rx
Phase Shifter Preliminary Design 90 Hybrid Variable Amp. 90 Hybrid ∑ ∑ I Q 90 Hybrid Ø Q I
Design with Vector Modulator Phase Shifter Vcc2 Design with Vector Modulator Phase Shifter Tx IF2 I Vector Mod IF2 RF PA Directional Coupler Circ. Q Vcc1 LO2 Limiter IF2 Q 20MHz Combiner Power Noise I Rx LO1 LNA IF LO2 Vector Mod Vcc1 Vcc2 20MHz LO1 IF1 IF1 I Q
One Polarization Channel Circ. Directional Coupler Cal Path LNA Limiter Transmit Path Receive Path Combiner Power PA Noise LO2 Vcc2 Vector Mod IF2 Phase shifter LO1 Vcc1 IF1 LO1
Components Mixer: Alters the carrier frequency of the signal. Oscillator: Controls the frequency used to sincronized the radar. Directional Coupler / Power Divider: Couples part of the transmision power in to the transmision line. Limiter: Circuit that allows to pass the unaffected received signal Low Noise Amplifier (LNA): Amplifies weak signals captured by the antenna. Circulator: Redirect signal that comes in an out from/to transmisor and receptor.
Radar’s Dual Polarized Antenna Dual polarization Antenna Operating at 9.5GHz Array of Apertured Coupled Antennas
Received Power Calculations G=16dB; Ganancia R=6km; Maximum Range C=3x10^8 m/s; velocity of light Pt=2W Power Transmitted by each channel. H=30usec; Pulse Width F= 9.5 GHz Lambda=c/f =.031579 K=dielectric factor (.93 for water) Z=10dBz; 10=10log(P), P=10 MDS = -100dBm N=2.66x10^9 G=39.81W Pr=1uW=-30dBm MDS = Minimum detectable signal.
Component Layout Power Amplifier Low Noise Amplifier HMC48LP5 HMC564LC4
Component Layout Mixer HMC412M58G
Future Work To construct and measure parameters for the TR Module and Phase Shifter. Digital Signal Processing. Antenna Implementation Integration Test and Measure