MAG – ARPA Meeting TESTING CLSM IN MAG 728 By R. TIXIER, Western Technologies
MAG SECTION 728 SAMPLING (D 4832, should be D 5971) CONSISTENCY TESTING – slump (C 143): effect of rodding ? – flow (D 6103): minus ¾ in. fraction, measure spread using 3” x 6” cylinder
MAG 728: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH ASTM D 4832 – Typically, split 6 x 12 in. plastic cylindrical molds – No consolidation required – Transportation to laboratory at 4 days, may have to be delayed further Difficult to handle ½ - sack CLSM specimens
MAG 728: OTHER TESTS Temperature (C 1064) Unit weight (D 6023) Cement content (D 5982) Permeability, gas pipelines only (D 5048) Test Method for Measuring the Comparative Burning Characteristics and Resistance to Burn-Through of Solid Plastics Using 125- mm Flame More likely: D 5084
ARIZONA DOT, Section 501 “cement-treated slurry” Slump = 8 to 11 in. Cement content: 1 sack cement, 1 cu. yd. aggregates No strength testing?
“GREENBOOK”2006 Section No consistency test Unit weight test per ASTM C138 Strength requirements, if any: on project plans
MISC. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Max. strength only Flow test Kelly ball (drop ball: D 6024)
RESOURCES ACI 229R “Controlled Low-Strength Materials” Report NRMCA