How was Sam's summer vacation? What did Sam do in his summer vacation? Why did Carl think it's cool? What special thing happened in the camp? Did Carl.


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Presentation transcript:

How was Sam's summer vacation? What did Sam do in his summer vacation? Why did Carl think it's cool? What special thing happened in the camp? Did Carl know about it? How? How does Carl feel about Sam's vacation?

What happened to Carl this summer vacation? 1.2. Why was Carl's summer vacation so terrible? (Why did Carl fail English and math?)

What is a sentence? S + V S + V + (adj.) (O) (adv.) 主詞 + 動詞 + ( 形容詞 )( 受詞 ) ( 副詞 )

S + V + (adj.) (O) (adv.) 主詞 + 動詞 + ( 形容詞 )( 受詞 ) ( 副詞 ) I am fine She ate an apple She ate a sour apple She ate a sour apple this morning

What is a sentence? 1. 一句不兩動 2. 主詞跟動詞單複數要一致 3. 動詞表示時態 She loves dancing. He is doing homework.

What is a sentence? 一句不兩動 主詞跟動詞單複數要一致 動詞表示時態 The cat usually sleep in the wardrobe. (?) ( 改正 ) The cat usually sleeps in the wardrobe. He ask a good question. ( 改正 ) He asked a good question. He draw picture on the street. He draws pictures on the street. He drew a picture/pictures on the street.

認識時態 過去式 past tense 發生過的 狀況 事件 或 動作 歷史 故事 過去這樣 現在已不如此 只有 詞 會根據時間變化 動詞的時態Be is am---> was are--->were

動詞的過去式變化規則變化 V+ed enjoy, hate, study enjoyed, hated, studied enjoyed, hated, studied study +s? +ing? studies, studying 不規則變化 同形 put---put 不同形 be-was, were, go-went, have-had….

動詞的過去式變化規則變化 V+ed played, walked, enjoyed 不規則變化 同形 cut---cut 不同形 be-was, were, go-went, have-had…. do? did ( 做 / 助動詞 I did my homework.) 你做功課了嗎 ? 你做功課了嗎 ? Did you do your homework?

必與過去時間配合 I saw Fahrenheit on my way home last Saturday. There were three Typhoons in August this year. ( 請畫出過去時間及動詞 ) There were three Typhoons in August this year. Ken was thin when he was in elementary school.

cost know put ride buy sell catch sit draw sleep drink speak eat spell feed stand fly throw keep write

cost cost know knew put put ride rode buy bought sell sold catch caught sit sat draw drew sleep slept drink drank speak spoke eat ate spell spelt (spelled) feed fed stand stood fly flew throw threw keep kept write wrote

1. 妳暑假怎樣 ? 2. 你做了甚麼 ? 3. 我參加籃球營學了些技巧 4. 你可以在校隊裡用 5. 你猜怎麼著 ? 6. 真的很刺激

7. 我昨天從妳的臉書得知 8. 怎麼了 ? 9. 我上學期英數不及格 10. 這暑假我整個白天去補習班讀這些科目晚上 就準備考試 11. 我玩太多電動沒有好好念書 12. 羨慕 13 妳真可憐 14 我自找的

exercise (V. 做運動 N. 運動 (UC) 練習 (C)) She exercises every day. She usually do exercise before breakfast. ( 改錯 ) How many exercise are there in this lesson? ( 改錯 ) work part-time watch movies, watch a movie, go to the movies, go to a movie visit 加地方 or 人 join a camp / a club / a team / us

Maggie and her friends _____ last semester. They _____ in the club. The club needed _____ for a talent show. For the money, Maggie and her friends _____. Maggie ____. Tim and Ivy _____. Simon ____. Finally, they ____. They were all _____. Now the club has a very nice CD player and cool _____. All the students in the club ____ the show.

read and write the names What do the paragraphs say? summary of the reading 1. the reason why they had to work different jobs 2. They did different jobs and finally earned enough money for their club. 3. They get themselves ready for the show. cloze read and fill in Q & A

習作 p. 3 IV 1. The boy studied hard last night. 2. The students exercised in the gym this morning. 3. Hi painted pictures after school yesterday. 4. People didn't play video games seventy years ago. p. 4 VI 3. What did he do yesterday afternoon? 4. I worked part-time at my uncle's car was last summer. 5. For the money, he worked three different jobs last year.

大卷 1. They studied science yesterday. 2. She didn't close the door then. 3. What did Jack do for them last weekend? 4. Sam worked some part-time jobs in winter. 5. She earned enough money for the family.

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英聽 Let's Talk in English Week Which dress did Linda select for her daughter? 17. You need more sleep, and so do I. 18. What time is your job interview at the bank?