Serving Community Colleges: Our Mission, Vision, Projects, and Activities Pat Stanley Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Colleges Office of Vocational and Adult Education U.S. Department of Education
Action Plan for Higher Education Accessibility Affordability Accountability A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future for Higher Education (September 2006) list/hiedfuture/reports.html
OVAE’s Mission for Community Colleges Our mission is to serve as the national source for information and leadership required to improve accessibility, affordability, accountability, and quality in community college education
OVAE’s Vision for Community Colleges OVAE will assume a leadership position on all matters related to community colleges within the U.S. Department of Education and the education community at large. OVAE will be viewed as an authority in national dialogues on high school reform, postsecondary education, adult education, workforce development and related transition strategies.
OVAE’s Plan for Serving Community Colleges Goal #1 To establish widespread public support for community colleges as centers of innovation and providers of superior education and training that are affordable and accessible to all Americans.
OVAE’s Plan for Serving Community Colleges Goal #2 Goal #2 To serve as a portal for timely and actionable guidance on community college education for teachers, administrators, students, parents and employers.
OVAE’s Plan for Serving Community Colleges Goal #3 To develop a structure and culture within the U.S. Department of Education that values and promotes the role of community colleges in postsecondary education.
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges CCTI CCTI ▪16 career clusters to 81 pathways Pathways Pathways ▪ Multiple entry points, postsecondary “chunks” ▪ Multiple entry points, postsecondary “chunks” STEM STEM Community College Curriculum Project Community College Curriculum Project
Secretary’s Higher Education Summits Aligning K-12 and Higher Education Expectations, Pre K- 16 Councils Aligning K-12 and Higher Education Expectations, Pre K- 16 Councils Serving Adults and Nontraditional Students Serving Adults and Nontraditional Students Increasing Need-Based Financial Aid Increasing Need-Based Financial Aid Enhancing Affordability, Decreasing Costs, and Promoting Productivity Enhancing Affordability, Decreasing Costs, and Promoting Productivity Using Accreditation to Support Student Learning Outcomes Using Accreditation to Support Student Learning Outcomes
2 to 4 yr transition – cost of higher education including costs of developmental education 2 to 4 yr transition – cost of higher education including costs of developmental education Adult and non-traditional Students Adult and non-traditional Students Accountability Accountability Leadership Leadership Virtual Summit June 28, 2007 OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges
Exploratory Meeting Sept. 20, 2007, Washington, D.C. Independent Study of Nursing Institute of Medicine Support “Historic Day for Nursing”
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges “Issues That Matter” Fostering Career Pathways in High Growth Industries Fostering Career Pathways in High Growth Industries Nov. 7, 2007, Washington D.C. Nov. 7, 2007, Washington D.C. Integrating Developmental Education Workforce Development Institute Integrating Developmental Education Workforce Development Institute Jan. 23, 2008, New Orleans, LA Jan. 23, 2008, New Orleans, LA Establishing Statewide Articulation Agreements Innovations Conference Establishing Statewide Articulation Agreements Innovations Conference March 1, 2008 Denver, CO March 1, 2008 Denver, CO Serving Low Literacy Adults Serving Low Literacy Adults April 21, 2008, Austin, TX April 21, 2008, Austin, TX Presidents Presidents Articles Articles
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges 2008 Community College Symposium Webcast Webcast Academics, Practitioners, and Policy Experts Academics, Practitioners, and Policy Experts Student Transitions Student Transitions
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges Community Colleges Can: Institutions Sharing Success Identify Promising Practices Identify Promising Practices Disseminate Information Disseminate Information Replicate Replicate
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges MOU Denmark Exchange Project Faculty and Student Exchange Faculty and Student Exchange Coordinate Danish visit with Symposium Coordinate Danish visit with Symposium Expand in Future Expand in Future
OVAE Projects Underway for Community Colleges Adult Education Projects Adult Basic Education to Community Colleges Transition Project (2006) Adult Basic Education to Community Colleges Transition Project (2006) Adult Basic Education Career Connections Project—three of five recipients are community colleges Adult Basic Education Career Connections Project—three of five recipients are community colleges Ready for College: Adult Education Transitions Program—all four recipients are community colleges Ready for College: Adult Education Transitions Program—all four recipients are community colleges
Federal Legislation Perkins Career and Technical Education Pathways Pathways Academic Achievement Academic Achievement Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment Accountability Accountability Community College Communication Community College Communication
Federal Legislation Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Literacy Act (Title II) Proposal Literacy Act (Title II) Proposal Synthesis Project Synthesis Project
Federal Legislation NCLB Secretary’s Highest Priority Secretary’s Highest Priority Strengthen Math and Science Strengthen Math and Science College Ready College Ready
Federal Legislation Higher Education Act Up for renewal since 2003 Up for renewal since 2003 Pell Grant Pell Grant “FAFSA4caster” “FAFSA4caster”
Pat Stanley Deputy Assistant Secretary (202) Any Questions?