ColorsColors Primary colors are easy to see. How many are there? Only three!
Primary ColorsPrimary Colors Yellow Blue Red
More Colors Making a primary just takes one. No mixing is needed- it’s already done! But put them together and soon you will see, more colors are made from just these three!
Secondary Colors Blue, yellow and red make all other hues Let's start with secondary colors and make just a few.
Mixing PrimariesMixing Primaries First look at the color you have to make. Then click on two primaries you think it will take. games/mix_and_paint/mix_and_pai nt.html games/mix_and_paint/mix_and_pai nt.html
Tints Some colors are dark. Some colors are light. You can mix in some black. You can mix in some white. When you make a color lighter you call it a tint. Just add some red to your white and white will turn pink.
Shades If you need a darker color, then you need a shade. Just add some black and see what you have made.
Coloring Fun Lets have some fun and see if you can become a coloring master. // online free coloring pages for kids