Arabic Internet Names Consortium (AINC) الإئتلاف العربي لأسماء الإنترنت Presented By: Zakaria Amar AINC Vice-Chair
AINC Founding Members Arab ccTLDs: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE. Technology Providers:,, Neteka, RealNames, Verisign and IT Consultants: Millennium Inc.,,, Alfoursan International, and Dubai Internet City Individual Members from world wide Arabic Speaking individuals, Universities and other establishments.
AINC Committees Linguistic Committee ccTLD Committee ABLINC Committee Membership Committee Technical Committee Policies Committee Arab Government Relations Committee Events Committee International Relations Committee Financial, Administrative &Legal Committee
AINC Mission The Arabic Internet Names Consortium AINC teaches, communicates, innovates, generates wealth, governs, does business, rule-makes and progresses in all walks of life through the use of digital technology. It is an entity that has a digital nervous system, which provides the unlimited knowledge management resources for further progress and knowledge creation.
Major Current Agenda Items Arabic Based Languages (Arabic, Farsi, Urdu..) LINGUSITS CONCERNS & SOLUTIONS STANDARD gTLDs / ccTLDs equivalence SHARED WHOIS
Consumer Rights Who owns the Registered Domain Name? Intellectual Property Enforcement? ccTLD model Market Confusion caused by misleading information & models. Dispute Policy Regulations. Anti Cyber Squatting Regulations. Solution is ? Continued - Major Current Agenda Items
Our gTLDs Choices Majority شركة.شبكة.منظمة.اعلام.معرفة.شخص. Other Alternative Choice: ش.ك.م الشرق-الاوسط.اعلام ا لأ سماء-العربية.شبكة ا لأ سماء.العربية.شبكة موقع. أ بواب.معرفة إ سلام.معرفة طبيب.شخص الخطوط-السعودية.شركة بريد.نسيج.شبكة خدمات.مكتوب.شركة السياحة.العربية.شبكة
Our ccTLDs Choices Postal Code ( 2 Characters) الرمز البريدي العالمي Full Name ( ? Characters ) اسم القطر بالكامل Include the “ AL ا ل “ or not? A).eg م ص. م- ص. مص. B-1) مصر..Egypt B-2) أ ردن. مغرب. ا لأ ردن. المغرب..Jordan.Morroco
How could AINC achieve its goals? We need the support of ICANN, IETF, WIPO and Arab institutions such as the Arab League and the ITU regional office for Arab countries, etc. We need consumers to voice themselves and let us know their feedback We need trademark holders to present their perspective
Conclusion We have to recognize that the Internet is a global medium We have to recognize the cultural and linguistic differences when looking for a solution. The involvement of local communities is very important When examining solutions we have to pay more attention to the long-term solution Cooperation with MINC, ICANN, IETF, ITU & WIPO is very important to the legitimacy of AINC Institutionalizing our activities is very encouraging for the industry and for the Arabic Internet user Standards that we come up with need to be compliant with the current Internet infrastructure. We don’t need to have an Arabic Intranet. We need to be part of the global community
Q & A أسئلة واجوبة Please visit our site at: Or
Upcoming meetings 1) SASNET 2002, March hosted by: The Government of Mauritania 2)Tunisia meeting April 15-18, 2002 Annual AINC meeting/ Seminar to be hosted by: The Government of Tunisia, Tunisia Internet Agency & Alfoursan International