Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Ryerson University April 16, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Ryerson University April 16, 2004

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada l Survey Objectives and Overview l Questionnaire Content Overview l Data Dissemination and Products l Survey Methodology l Questions Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Presentation Outline

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Survey Objectives and Overview Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Survey Objectives: l To study how new immigrants adjust to life in Canada over time l To provide information on the factors that can help or hinder this adjustment Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Objectives

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Who is being interviewed? Target population includes immigrants who: l arrived in Canada between October 2000 and September 2001 l are age 15 and over l landed from abroad l About 165,000 immigrants meet these criteria

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada LSIC Sample l Frame: Administrative database provided by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) l It contains a complete list of landed immigrants with some demographics used for selection l Sample of 20,300 immigrants selected (including buy- ins)

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Survey Timelines Longitudinal - 3 interviews – approximately 6 months, 2 years and 4 years after arriving in Canada l Wave 1:April 2001 to March 2002 l Wave 2:December 2002 to November 2003 l Wave 3:November 2004 to October 2005

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Survey Design l Computer assisted interview (CAI) l Face-to-face interview environment l Average household visit of 90 minutes l The longitudinal respondent is the unit of analysis l Monotonic (funnel-shaped) approach

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada l English l French l Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese) l Punjabi l Farsi/Dari (one language) l Arabic l Spanish Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Data Collection l Russian l Serbo-Croatian l Urdu l Korean l Tamil l Tagalog, and l Gujarati Interviews are conducted in 15 different languages:

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada l Initial sample size : 20,300 immigrants l N. of wave 1 respondents: 12,040 (41%) l N. of wave 2 respondents: 9,500 (13%) l Expected n. of wave 3 respondents: 7,500 (10%) Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Attrition Rates

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Questionnaire Content Overview of Wave One

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada What type of questions are immigrants being asked? l Socio-demographic information (Wave 1 only) l Social Interactions l sponsor and host, and support network l ethnic diversity and interaction with others l volunteer participation l Language Skills l language abilities (English and French) l acquisition of language skills (incl. training)

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada What type of questions are immigrants being asked? (continued) l Housing (all locations since arrival and moving dates) l mobility (within and outside Canada) l type of residences (permanent versus temporary) l number of rooms, home ownership, cost of living l Education l recognition of foreign credentials and qualifications l barriers to education and training availability/accessibility) l reasons for/not furthering their education and/or training

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada What type of questions are immigrants being asked? (continued) l Employment l detailed questions on all jobs since arriving in Canada l recognition of foreign work experience and training, including assessment process l Health l current health status l access to health care and use of health services available to newcomers l language, gender and cultural or ethnic background of health care providers

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada What type of questions are immigrants being asked? (continued) l Values and Attitudes importance of maintaining ethnic/cultural ties importance of adopting Canadian values and traditions l Citizenship l plans to move from or remain within Canada l intentions of applying for citizenship

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada What type of questions are immigrants being asked? (continued) l Income l sources of family and personal income l changes to financial status (wave 2) l trans-national activity l Perceptions of settlement l likes and dislikes about Canada l material well-being and quality of life

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada What types of questions are immigrants being asked? (continued) l Event history analysis for housing, employment and education experiences since arrival in Canada l Problems or difficulties encountered, type of help needed, and sources of any help received with: l finding housing l finding employment l arranging for education l accessing health care

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Comparing Wave One and Wave Two What has changed?

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada Major changes between wave one and wave two l Structural changes l Pre-fill data l Self-assessment language test dropped l Random selection of child implemented for wave two l Important expansion of the social interactions/network module

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Data Dissemination and Products

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada l A major release in The Daily, accompanied by an analytical article of results and tables - September 4, 2003 l Master microdata files for RDCs – Available in RDCs l A joint publication between STC and CIC - Summer 2004 l Production of a set of standard data tables l Remote data access and custom tabulations Longitudinal Survey on Immigrants to Canada Wave 1 Data Dissemination and Products

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Two file structures available: –A text file structure (ASCII) with SAS and SPSS syntax cards to enable their formatting –A data model structure using SAS files Survey User’s Guide Codebooks with and without frequencies –Codebooks without counts also available on StatCan Web Site Longitudinal Survey on Immigrants to Canada What will I find in the RDCs?

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada User-friendly tools were developed by LSIC team for LSIC data: –Integrated Extraction Program –Coefficient of Variation Extraction Module –Macro programs to use bootstrap weights for SAS and STATA users Longitudinal Survey on Immigrants to Canada What will I find in the RDCs? (con’t)

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey on Immigrants to Canada About 1,500 variables to analyze l Geographic variables include: Province, region, CMA and CA, and full postal code. l Some variables from a CIC administrative file (FOSS): Class of immigrants, intended destination (province and CMA), intended occupation and date of arrival l Coded variables using SC standard codesets: n Census (country of birth, country of citizenship) n Industry (NAICS-1997) and occupation (SOC-1991) l Derived variables l Final weight (applicable to the longitudinal respondent)

Statistics Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada C ontacts? Web Site: Ryerson : Toronto RDC: Jessie-Lynn MacDonald Project Manager Statistics Canada (613)