Lecturer: Badrul Hisham Abdullah Kulliyyah Muamalat Mathematics I MTD1013
SUBJECT DESIGN KOLEJ UNIVERSITI INSANIAH (KUIN) KULLIYYAH MUAMALAT Semester II Session 2009/2010 Subject: Mathematics I Course Code: Lecturer: Office: Tel: Required Text Book: MTD1013 En. Badrul Hisham Abdullah Level 3 of Kulliyyah Muamalat Rosen K. H., Discrete Mathematics & Its Applications. (Sixth Edition), Mc Graw Hill, 2009.
WHAT IS DISCRETE MATHEMATICS? Discrete Mathematics describes the processes that consist of a sequence of individual steps.
CHAPTER 2 LOGIC What is about this chapter? This chapter will introduce to us some of the basic tools of discrete mathematics. In the end of this chapter, it will give us the background needed to begin the exploration of mathematics structures.
2.0 Logic and Methods of Proof Definition A statement or proposition is a declarative sentence that either true or false, but not both Logic
Methods of Proof
A.Direct Method
B. Indirect Method
C. Contradiction Method
D. Principle of Mathematical Induction