Remember the ‘good old days’! Life was once predictable Things were well structured – mapped out for us We knew who we were – a clear identity We had firm beliefs about the nature of things
From modernity to post-modernity Modern age (Functionalism/Marxism) Post modern age (Postmodernism) Production Community Social class (can’t move between) Family Continuity (things stay the same) A role of education A one-way media (them to you) One nation Science aided progress and finding the truth Consumption The Individual Identity from other sources Families (many options) Breakage with the past/tradition Education for what? Two way media (choice/interchange) Global Science is only one source of knowledge Structure/security/place/stability YOU KNEW WHO YOU WERE Confusion/lack of structure/ incessant choice YOU CREATE WHO YOU WANT TO BE
Key features of post-modernism Truth depends on the source Consumerism is all – what you buy defines who you are Transformation of the self (‘pick ‘n’ mix’) – I can have ‘emo’ clothing and listen to ‘chav’ music Disillusionment with the idea of progress Globalisation The impact of IT on social life
Postmodernism & Youth Culture Postmodernists believe the idea of subculture is outdated It could be argued that youth subcultures have become fragmented Hetherington (1998) made this point when looking at the fashions and the music styles of the 1980’s
Postmodernism & Youth Culture Willis (1990) believes that there is too much diversity for any one subculture to be dominant Willis noted that the old spectacular subcultures were quite passive (they accepted the norms and values of their group) Young people today are noted for being active and adventurous with regards to their individual style. Willis called this ‘symbolic creativity’
Postmodernism & Youth Culture Bennett (1999) says that we should not discuss subcultures anymore Instead, we should talk about neo-tribes (a term that he invented) A neo-tribe is a group that is loosely based around fashions and lifestyles Members of Neo-tribes do not share the same values like those in traditional subcultures did
Some points on post-modernism & style Emphasis on the centrality of style Recycling past cultures and styles Mixture of high and low culture. Intermixing – different styles – collaging Accepting the collapse of distinction and difference - sameness Rejection of single definitions of culture e.g. focus on class Decline of the idea of only one source of meaning – religion
What would a postmodernist make of this…
Post-modernism illustrated – ‘reality TV’ Reality TV illustrates the relationship between the consumer and the media They are ‘real people’ who people can be observed and scrutinised. They do not entertain – rather than exist…they are a mish-mash of cctv surveillance and gameshow In the real world they are talentless nobodys who are treated as stars
Post-modernism ilustrated –’Disneyland’ Disneyland is a simulated reality. It is artificial – yet ‘real’. It is a place that exists and is accepted because our imagination makes it so. The fine line between reality and fantasy is ‘greyer’. The power of the symbol over substance.