iMovie By: Millie and Violet
This is what will appear when you open this app up from your home page. It will also show your previous projects you have made. The question mark button helps you if you are confused about how to work this app The button is alway located on the top left corner.
Video helps you direct your own movie. You can add text, voice overs and music. Theatre is when you can make your very own trailer, with the themes like action to romance to horror to comedy.
Pros and Cons about this app Very easy to control The first step of becoming a director Very fun to use It lets your creativity flow Sometime glitches Not fun unless your in a group You cannot make the trailers longer You can't decorate you videos Pros Cons
Is this app appropriate for all ages? 8 year+ Children under 8 might not understand how to use They might delete or damage the app They might break the iPad while trying to film