Artifact Assignment An Example LSJ/CHID 332 Spring 2010
Assignment Guidelines Turn in 3 essays (4/27, 5/11, 6/3) Identify 1 artifact for each paper and address the following items: Who produced the item and for what audience? Where was it produced, where was it found? What message about disability does it convey? How does it fit into one (or more) of the models of disability?
What is an Artifact? Anything in society that portrays disability in some way (think of disability in terms of how we have defined it.) Examples: Movies TV shows Articles Books Signs Comics Lyrics Jokes Visual arts
“Alas for Tiny Tim, He Became a Christmas Cliché” 25johnson.html?_r=1&pagewanted=print 25johnson.html?_r=1&pagewanted=print And see the handout NOTE: articles can be complicated choices but great for analysis.
What is the item… An opinion article written by the late Harriet McBryde Johnson. The article describes her thoughts after a re- read of the Charles Dickens novel, “A Christmas Carol.”
Who produced this item… The article was written by Ms. Johnson and published by the New York Times on December 25, 2006 in both print and electronic versions.
Who is the audience… The original audience consisted of the readers of The New York Times. The subsequent audience includes those who are interested in the author’s writing either personally or for academic reasons.
What messages about disability are conveyed in the article? No one (not even a real Scrooge) can resist the appeal of an ostensibly doomed child—i.e., one who is disabled. One way to deal with the surplus population (hungry brothers in the dust) is through Social Darwinism. Charity (toss something) to those who are “unfortunate” is one way to handle poverty and/or disability; you will feel good.
What is Ms. Johnson’s message? “ Holding a party at the Crippled Children’s School is so easy, so immediately satisfying. It is much harder, the prospect of reward often so remote, to seek justice for our sisters and brothers in the dust.”
What is Dickens’ message? If you have read the novel? If you accept Ms. Johnson’s interpretation?
Remembering the models… Social Moral Personal Tragedy Medical
What models can be applied to this artifact? Moral The poor deserve their fate. Survival of the fittest. Disability reminds us of the “holy”—the one who made the lame beggars walk, and blind men see.” Personal tragedy Doomed child (a cripple). Those who have should provide for those who don’t (at least something if not justice). Tiny Tim is “good as gold, and better.” Perfect poster child/model for “holiday” behavior.
Grading Criteria 2 pages double spaced or 1 single spaced. Remember your grammar! Place ALL of the required pieces into the essay Use at least 3 of the models across 3 essays You do not need to use all of the models, just the ones that apply to your artifact, but write about at least 3 by time you are done. Think about the models in terms of message(s) of the artifact (provide a basic definition of the ones you use). There are PLENTY of artifacts out there. You must choose 3 different mediums.
Grading Matrix per Artifact Grammar = 1 pt Who produced/who was the audience = 2 pt Where was it produced/found = 1 pt What message is being conveyed about disability = 3 pt How does it fit into one or more models of disability = 3 pt Total = 10 pt