Flex Day April 30, 2013 SLOAC Coordinator Training
Coordinator Training Overview 1. Program Review Form Changes (10 min) 2. eLumen changes for all Faculty (10 min) 3. Coordinator-level training for managing eLumen (40 min) 4. Time to work on eLumen as coordinators (30 min).
Program Review Form Modifications for Program Review is now the principle archive of assessment and documents the College’s evaluation of Program and Course-level student learning. 1. Updated Course-level CTL form ( PR cycle) 2. Modified Program-level Closing the Loop (CTL) form A. Changes reflect need to document data-driven assessment and evaluation of program based on WASC. B. Use eLumen data from course-level SLOs and course CTL forms to support PLO learning. 3. Modified SLO Calendar A. Changes reflect need to document assessment cycle and reference prior-year PR submissions of CTL forms. B. Added PLO assessment calendar.
eLumen Changes for All Faculty 1. All faculty are assigned “MEMBER” status to a division and have access to their courses. 2. Faculty first need to link an assessment package to the courses they teach. 3. Faculty can determine whether to enter data by individual students or as class aggregate score by choosing either: 1. Declared Scoring (“Aggregate”) 2. Direct scoring (“Individual student scores”)
Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities 1. Point of Contact for discipline faculty questions. 2. Management of SLOs for discipline courses (ie: CLOs). 3. Mapping course SLOs to College-Wide Learning Goals 4. Mapping course SLOs to Program-level SLOs. 5. Running reports for Program Review 6. Ensure SLOs are communicated to students
Coordinator Training for Today 1. Point of Contact for discipline faculty questions. A. Password resets B. Answering questions about eLumen, inputting data & analyzing data. 2. Management of SLOs for discipline courses (ie: CLOs). A. SLO editing 1. Entering new SLOs and rubrics 2. Revising old SLOs and rubrics 3. Inactivating or “SUPER-DELETING” outdated SLOs B. Linking SLOs to courses 1. Modifying course level “assessment packages”
Have Questions? Who to contact? 1. The SLOAC representative in your division. 2. Technical assistance – Rob Yest (for now) by