GET READY: Do you recognize this plant? What do you think it does? What do you think it makes? Write down 3-5 observations or thoughts on what you see
3 CHEMICAL COMPONENTS (Where each can be found) BLEACH KEROSENE SULFURIC ACID Disinfectant Cleaners Dishwasher Detergents Floor Cleaner Drain Cleaner Some Hair Coloring Products Teeth Whitening Products Fuel oil Kerosene lamps Cooking oil Lighting fuels Soaps Detergents Fertilizers Car Batteries Textiles Explosives Pharmaceuticals
3 CHEMICAL COMPONENTS (Symptoms IF CONSUMED) BLEACH KEROSENE SULFURIC ACID Nausea Diarrhea Wears away stomach lining Excess stomach acid Ulcers Hyperchloremic Acidosis (Bodies pH is always off balanced) Throat swelling Trouble breathing Dizziness, Staggering, Weakness, Drowsiness Convulsions Seizures Drop in blood pressure Collapse/ Blacking out Burning sensation in chest area Burning of esophagus Vomiting with traces of blood Blood in stool Irritated skin Burned skin Difficulty breathing due to throat swelling Burns in mouth and throat Drooling Fever Rapid pulse Shortness of breath Low blood pressure Vision loss Vomiting Choking Coughing up blood Bluish skin, lips, and fingernails
WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? COCAINE: A white crystalline powder. CRACK COCAINE: Small rock, chip, chunk, often off-white or pink in color
COMMON NAMES C - Charlie Crack rock - Blow Coke - White Dust Nose Candy - Stardust Snow White Lady Toot