Integral Human Development A Faith Perspective. Why I am Here Today interested in seeing the connection between “faith” and “reason” re Development I.


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Presentation transcript:

Integral Human Development A Faith Perspective

Why I am Here Today interested in seeing the connection between “faith” and “reason” re Development I am familiar with Economic issues especially in developing countries We want to be able to find a “happy medium” in between knowing and living in a society that guides itself by economic and social principles and what “our hearts” and our faith can tell us sometimes about the “harsh realities” of economics and poverty.

My Ministry Now USCCB is very involved in Integral Human Development around the world Humanitarian aspects: CRS Pastoral aspects: Several collections

Catholic Social Teaching and Global Solidarity: Some issues to look at

In terms of Trade: Did NAFTA Deliver? Will the Colombia or PTA Also deliver? A “Balanced” Assessment So, Yes and No!!

Poverty in 2000 was higher in the South where NAFTA has less impact…

NAFTA Scorecard: a mixed picture Mexico Overall Economic and employment growth: B- Poverty reduction: B Political reform: A- legal reform/ property rights: C+ Compensation schemes for farmers/rural poor B+ Environment & Labor Standards C United States Regional efficiency gains for key manufacturing sectors A- Environmental and labor standards: C Model for Jordan, CAFTA, FTAA, etc. B- Trade Adjustment Assistance C- Acknowledgement of regional integration and cross-border integration: D or F

Poverty, Migration, And World Trade: There’re All Related!

- Promotes migrant work - Promotes high risk behaviors - Lower educational status  less access to development - Lost productivity - Reduced national income -No access to development tools, infrastructure, technology, modern equipment. Poverty/Hunger Lower Education Poverty Circle of Poverty Cycle of poverty

The Church acts in the Immigration Debate

Helpful Distinctions 1. Interconnectedness of the “western” developed world (G-20 or so) 2. Interconnectedness of that group with the rest of the world. 3. Non-connectedness of the “south” within itself, mostly economically.

A Catholic Framework Microfinance/Microcredit, and Microenterprising:

Moving from Experience to Catholic Teaching: From Rerum Novarum to Benedict XVI

How I began to understand The market and Microcredit: A long way from Home

Can the market really work here?

Resources by CRS

Previous Examples Much of the humanitarian/ development aspect. Here is where much of your studies and engagement would be. Yet, the Pastoral aspects also have impact and are connected to the development aspect. That is what I work on now.

The Subcommittee… The Bishops' Subcommittee, working through its staff in the Church in Latin America, facilitates the development of intra-American ecclesial relations among bishops of the United States and their representative entities, and the bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean through national episcopal conferences; the Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM), and other church-related organizations.

The Collection for the Church in Latin America The Subcommittee also coordinates the annual Collection for the Church in Latin America and collaborates with U.S. dioceses in its promotion; Manages a grants program designed to support the pastoral work of the Church in Latin America; Develops educational resources and opportunities for Catholics in the United States to learn about the reality of the Church in Latin America.

The Grants The members of the USCCB Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America are cognizant of the fact that Latin America is a heterogeneous society and that programs vary from country to country. Depending on the socio-religious and socio-economic situations of each locality.

Requests must fall under the following general categories 1. Catechetics 2. Evangelization 3. Lay Leadership 4. Pastoral 5. Preparation for the permanent Deaconate 6. Religious education 7. Religious personnel formation* 8. Socio-Religious research


Where there could be growth Part of what you do now!! We need: ◦ Indices ◦ Matrix of priorities but given guidance ◦ More connection between development and faith (or growth): Community organizing and social networks created.