Eduard Marček September 8-10, 2010 Fact-finding trip to Prague, Czech Republic Topical Working Groups.


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Presentation transcript:

Eduard Marček September 8-10, 2010 Fact-finding trip to Prague, Czech Republic Topical Working Groups

Topical working groups (TWGs) Goal:   Identifying and collecting best practices, challenges, lessons learnt   Reflecting and generalising criteria, compiling an overview on what works well in different areas of fundraising for development and humanitarian issues   Formulating recommendations on systemic improvements in raising funds

Topical Working Groups   Fundraising for humanitarian vs. development aid   Transparency, trustworthiness and effectiveness   Supporting mechanisms/strategies for private funds mobilization   Raising private funds in digital and networked society Or other topics also possible (integration of awarness raising through campaigning with raising funds, or PR and marketing, etc.) Topical working groups (TWGs)

Topical Working Groups Fundraising for humanitarian vs. development aid   PL: Connection of raising awarness with fundraising (PAH – Water for Sudan)   CZ: People in need - How to fundraise for humanitarian and development issues (Direct dialog + Club of Friends)   SK: Projects of People in Peril   HU: Interchurch – one organisation comparing fundraising for humanitarian vs. development issues

Topical Working Groups Transparency, trustworthiness and effectiveness   PL: Church-related charities   CZ: Measuring effectiveness and how to use it for fundraising   SK: Worst practices in direct mail for development issues   HU: Impact Coalition

Topical Working Groups Supporting mechanisms/strategies for private funds mobilization   PL: Tax legislation, incl. best practices of taxes   CZ: Easy Giving Coalition   SK: Charitable lottery / 2% income tax mechanism   HU: ?

Topical Working Groups Raising private funds in digital and networked society   PL: Pajacyk (PAH)   CZ: E-shop   SK: DMS (CZ + SK)   HU: ?

Topical Working Groups Activities of Topical working groups   Collection of data   Participation in Fact-Finding trip(s) and Study Visit(s)   Writing case studies/handbooks for the Comprehensive Publication   Reviewing case studies of the other TWG members   Participation in final meeting of the TWG   Generalising criteria, compiling an overview on what works well in different areas of fundraising for development/humanitarian issues in CE   Formulating recommendations for transparency   Formulating recommendations on systemic improvements in raising private funds

Topical Working Groups Activities of Topical working groups Topical Working Group   TWG Leader - PL   Expert – SK   Expert – HU   Expert – CZ (Handbook for 1TWG) PL Case study SK Case study HU Case study CZ Case study   Generalising what works well, lessons learnt for the whole TWG Writing Reviewing Formulating   Recommendations for transparency   Recommendations for systemic improvements in raising private funds Transparency Guidelines Comprehensive Publication 4TWGs

Topical Working Groups Deliverables/Outcomes of the project Outputs:   Handbooks covering four thematic areas of TWGs (Comprehensive Publication) (16 interesting CE case studies enriched by 5 inspirational UK examples)   Transparency Guidelines (Reflecting the transparency measures and trustworthiness procedures in FR)   Network of up to 20 dedicated experts on fundraising for development/humanitarian causes   Project website

Topical Working Groups Methodology   Secondary data: Desk research   Primary data: Personal/Telephone interviews   Analysis and synthesis

Topical Working Groups Central European case study   5-6 pages, characters incl. spaces preferably in English (native language option)   Use precise data + include direct quotations from interviews as evidence (if possible)   Structure:   Description of the NGDO (mission, activities, target groups, (hi)story)   Fundraising situation, approaches, methods   Interesting/innovative/inspiring campaigns/best practices   Milestones (in terms of time and development)   Successes and failures (including numbers of invested/raised funds)   Strengths and challenges   Lessons learnt   On the level of environment (cause/issue attractiveness, public awarness, etc.)   On the level of organisation   In fundraising   Contact data   Recommendations for transparency (for the Transparency Guidelines)   Recommendations for systemic improvements in raising private funds for devel/human.

Topical Working Groups UK case studies Interesting fields of fundraising for development/humanitarian to be elaborated in the United Kingdom case studies:   Direct dialog   Direct mail   Legacies   Social media (Facebook, etc.)   E-shop, shops Other inspiring areas or ideas from the NGDO field are welcome.

Topical Working Groups Comprehensive Publication   Summary   Project description   Introduction to the CEE Region   Situation in humanitarian/development work, Survey among CEE experts   16 Central European Case studies   Fundraising for humanitarian vs. development aid   Transparency, trustworthiness and effectiveness   Supporting mechanisms/strategies for private funds mobilization   Raising private funds in digital and networked society   5 UK Case studies (preferably relating to topics of the TWGs)   Transparency Guidelines   Recommendations for systemic improvements/approaches in raising private funds   Conclusions

Topical Working Groups Questions for members of TWGs 1. 1.Do we understand what the work of TWG is all about? 2. 2.What case studies have we identified to work on from the V4 countries? 3. 3.Will we be able to gather necessary data to write a case study? 4. 4.Do we have suggestions for improvements of the methodology? 5. 5.Do we have suggestions for the CE case study requirements? 6. 6.How will our TWG work in terms of management and communication? (deadlines, exchange of ideas, online meetings, language of text,etc.)

Topical Working Groups Questions for non-TWGs-members 1. 1.What interesting NGDOs/campaigns from Central Europe would we suggest to elaborate for case studies in terms of TWGs?   Fundraising for humanitarian vs. development aid   Transparency, trustworthiness and effectiveness   Supporting mechanisms/strategies for private funds mobilization   Raising private funds in digital and networked society 2. 2.What output of a TWG would help you as a practitioner in your work? 3. 3.What sources of (existing) data could the experts use? 4. 4.Where else could the outputs of TWGs work be used?

Topical Working Groups   Leading Project Coordinator/Chief Editor – PDCS (SK) – overall responsibility for coordination and implementation, chair of the Project Steering Team, organises the international conference   5 Country Coordinators – PPF (PL), PIN (CZ), DemNet (HU), PDCS (SK), Resource Alliance (UK) – implementation in the countries, coordination of a country TWG, organisation and logistical back-up of FFT, SV, coordinates national activities, co-organises the international conference Project Steering Team   Leading Project Coordinator/Chief Editor – methodology, work coordination and final comprehensive outputs of TWGs, regular meetings, preferably as part of other activities – TWGs meetings, SVs, or FFTs.   Topical Working Group Leader – PPF (PL), PIN (CZ), DemNet (HU), PDCS (SK) – responsible for the work/outputs of TWGs under coordination of the national partners (may overlap with Country Coordinators) Core Editorial Team

Topical Working Groups More information  