September 10, 2014 Bell work: Immigration From Europe worksheet. You will turn this in for a grade…you have 15 minutes!


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Presentation transcript:

September 10, 2014 Bell work: Immigration From Europe worksheet. You will turn this in for a grade…you have 15 minutes!

September 8, 2014 You have twenty minutes to study for Chapter 11 test. After you turn in test you will do chapter 12 vocab words and chapter 12 section 1 questions. These are due before you leave my class today! Chapter 12 starts on page 374 (Industrial Revolution).

February 2, 2015 Bell work: Do Chapter 12 Section 1 and Section 2 Questions. 1-9 both sections. You will turn this in in twenty minutes!

Chapter 12 Age of Industry

Introduction 1700s and 1800s-new Innovations in Agriculture and industry led to changes:  Economically and socially  Europe and the U.S. Urban economies emerge

Introduction cont… Industrial Revolution – Rise of urban industrial economies.  power driven machines replaced work done in homes. Altered ways of living.

A Harsh Way of Life Before the Industrial Rev. – People lived the same for centuries. Families were small. High infant death rate (one in three babies died in 1 st year of life). One in two people reached age 21. Life expectancy – age 40.

A Harsh Way of Life 25% of Europeans lived in towns or cities in 1700s. London – largest city in Europe in  700,000 people Charles Dickens – British Novelist Most people lived in small villages.

Village Life Villagers were farmers. Wealthy landowners controlled village land.  Rent land to small farming families. Village Commons – Public lands to be farmed.  less fertile land  Livestock  woodlands

Village Life cont.. Farmers used public lands for living. Village economies were limited. Transporting goods was difficult and unprofitable. Villages were self-sufficient.

Village Life cont… Rich landowners:  Country estates with huge main houses  Cottages  Barns  Fields

Village Life cont… Poor people:  Rented land  Lived in small, poorly lighted cottages with dirt floors.  Daily life revolved around farming Everyone helped / worked hard.

Early Industries Small Industries:  Coal mines  Work schedules coordinated with agricultural cycle.  Farming and industry provides steadier income.

Making Wool G.B.- woolen industry second to farming. 1700s demand for wool grew. Merchants hired workers in homes.

Making Wool cont.. Domestic system – system of labor Becomes widespread throughout Europe in 1700s. Based on a network of workers Benefits  Set own hours  Tend to duties at home

Making Wool cont… Domestic system provided income during hard times. Industrial Revolution was built on the basis of domestic practices.

Mining Coal Coal Mining:  Farm laborers  Women and children  Money earned in mines was used to buy things that people could not manufacture.

Mining Coal cont… New machinery would soon transform and disrupt the domestic system. Changing the way people lived and worked. A new way of life was on the horizon.