H. Schütz, MFA training workshop EW-MFA Training Workshop – 31. August 2007 Training Session: - DE used of metal ores and non-metallic minerals
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals - Intro High relevance for DE – usually more than 50% - less for metals, but strategic and economic importance Distinguishing construction minerals requires additional efforts and is commonly not precise (roughly A.3.1, A.3.2 and A.3.4) but more accurate at detailed data compilation Construction minerals typically dominate DEused of minerals
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals – Data sources National mining statistics first: industrial minerals and metal ores However, often insufficient for bulk constr. minerals like sand and gravel More comprehensive data ev. from industrial associations (continuity!) Use international mining statistics (BGS, USGS, UN, NewCronos) Perform estimates (esp. construction minerals)
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals – Conventions Aim at following the CPA terminology Refer to system boundary: run-of-mine production or gross ore or crude ore -> crude mineral to first processing step => see next slide (no overburden; no net metal content for DEused but as additional data) Coupled production: e.g. lead-zinc ores (-> proposal in the guide) Estimations for bulk construction minerals as follows
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals – Conventions
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals – Data compilation Statistical data for run-of-mine i.g. Estimate of r-o-m from e.g. metal contents Estimates for bulk minerals for construction proposed are: - limestone for cement - sand and gravel for concrete and for road construction and maintenance - common clays for the production of bricks
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals – Data estimations Limestone based on cement clinker or cement production data Sand and Gravel for construction - check: tonnes per capita - >> 1t/cap/yr - contact national experts at first - (1) estimate S&G for concrete production - (2) estimate S&G for road constr.+maint. based on data for km roads newly built resp. total lengths of roads, by types - (1) + (2) compared with statistical data – use higher number - ev. Add specific number for industrial sands
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals – Data estimations Clays and loams for construction of bricks and tiles - for production of full and lug bricks - for production of roof bricks - for production of ceiling bricks -> compare with reported statistics data – use higher number (10% tolerance)
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals – Data compilation Special case Sulphur: - exclude S which is a by-product of extraction of fossils -> unused extrac. - exclude S produced in refinery through desulph. of fossils -> already in weight of energy carriers - S from mining: only this category counts (under A.3.6)
H. Schütz, MFA training workshop DE used: metal ores and non metallic minerals – Special issues Statistical data for aggregated categories like “crushed rock” or “crushed stone” -> cannot be precisely compared with categories in the guide, may comprise a wide range of natural stones -> double counting possible -> in case category is higher than total of categories compiled after guide the difference may be added as additional amount n.f.c. to A.3.2 (with footnote)