HOW DOES IT OCCUR? 1.Exact cause is unclear, something goes wrong in the melanin producing cells (melanocytes)that give skin its color. 2.Cells develop DNA damage, and the new cells grow out of control, causing a mass of cancerous cells. 3.Malignant Melanoma causes the most deaths, but it is not the most common of skin cancers.
THE FACTS 1.Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. 2.Melanomas can develop anywhere on the body from moles (dysplastic nevi) or macules, (freckles, tattoo marks, or flat moles), or no moles at all. 3.It involves all skin tones including those with darker skin.
HIDDEN AREAS People with darker skin are more likely to get melanoma in the hidden areas such as: subungual, under the nails, on the hands or feet, or mucosal melanoma which develops in the mucous membrane that line the nose, mouth, esophagus, digestive track, anus, urinary tract, or vagina.
OCULAR MELANOMA (MELANOMA IN THE EYE) Is found in the uvea, the layer beneath the white of the eye (sclera).
RISK FACTORS 1.Fair Skin. 2.A history of sunburn. 3.Excessive (UV) light exposure. 4.Living closer to the equator or at a higher elevation. 5.Having many moles or unusual moles. 6.A family history of melanoma. 7.Weakened immune system(HIV/AIDS).
ABCDE’S OF MELANOMA A = Asymmetry: When half the mole does not match the other half. B =Border: When the border (edges) of the mole are ragged or irregular. C = Color: When the color of the mole varies throughout. D = Diameter: If the mole’s diameter is larger than a pencil’s eraser. E = Evolving: Look for changes over time, as in, size, shape, and color.
SUSPICIOUS CHANGES Oozing or bleeding from a mole. A mole that looks different from your other moles or feels itchy, scaly, hard, lumpy, swollen, or tender to the touch.
STAGES Stage 1: small, has a very high cure rate. Stage 1, 2 & 3: removed with a punch, shave, or excisional biopsy. Stage 4: cancer has spread passed skin and into other organs. (liver, lungs)
TREATMENT Surgery: (early-stage) Chemotherapy: (IV, pill) Radiation: (high powered x-rays) Biological: (interferon) Targeted: (advanced)(Vemurafenib) Experimental: (clinical trials)
PREVENTION 1.No sun from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 2.Wear sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher all year. 3.Wear broad brim hats and sunglasses. 4.No tanning beds, ever.
WORK CITED American Academy of Dermatology. American Academy of Dermatology, Web. 1 May p/melanoma Malignant Melanoma.” Medscape reference. 11 March Web. 3 May Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, Web. 3 May Skin Cancer Foundation. Skin Cancer Foundation, Web. 3 May Web. 4 May